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Song - Daddy Issues (Neighbourhood)

Taehyung woke up on boxing day with a throbbing headache. This had become a pattern now. He tried to ignore the pain and went through his messages from Jin, who left a picture of a hardly lit Christmas tree and a single gift.

Jinnie: Christmas sucked. Mum missed her flight.

Jinnie: She said she'd make it up on New Year's. *dances around*

Jinnie: You fell asleep with the phone in your hand, didn't you?

Jinnie: Good night, Tae. <3

He quickly sent a picture of him in bed with his lips puckered and walked to the door. He could hear voices from the kitchen.

It had been more than 3 weeks since his mother made the decision to permanently let his father back into their lives. A second chance, she told him before he could yell at her when he saw the man of his nightmares stand at the door with a wide smile on his face. As if every mistake he did in his life could be wiped out just by that smile.

To make the situation worse, his children – Taheyung's two step brothers and one sister would also live with him. Just for a month, his mother told him. With that, Taehyung left but not before announcing that he would not share his room. Thankfully, his mother agreed to that.

In the past 3 weeks everything was eerily calm. No fights, no one yelled at each other, no smell of alcohol reeking through the entire house, it almost felt like things were fine.

And, last night he woke up to his father whispering a soft 'I love you' to his mother, and he could still hear her sobbing but of happiness.

It sparked a hope in Taehyung's heart that he didn't know even existed. Maybe, just maybe he'd have a family too. Maybe, his mother was right this time.

So, he decided to try to talk to the other three kids in the house or at least start with acknowledging their presence.


Three days later and Taehyung is on a call with Jin, who was refusing to talk to him after Tae ditched his plan of watching Frozen with Jin because his little sister wanted to go to Panda Express.

"Jinnie, I said I am sorry!", he whined again when he heard no response from the older boy.

"I promise we'll watch it tomorrow.", he said. He could imagine Jin's face all scrunched up and his lips pouted on the other side of the call.

"Not enough.", Jin finally spoke.

Tae smiled, "Okay, movie and then we'll try that thing that you wanted to."

He heard Jin audibly gasp, "Kim Taehyung, are you trying to cajole me with sexual favors?"

"Yes, I am. If you don't want tha – ", Tae started.

Jin giggled and cut him through, "Fine. Tomorrow. 9 PM sharp."

"Can I see you tonight?", Jin added.

Taehyung shook his head and then replied, "I can't. I think mum has some plans for my birthday."

He waited for Jin to reply and when he didn't, he said, "I miss your face, Jin. How I wish I could squish your cheeks and bite those lips."

"It is not nice.", Jin mumbled.

"What is not nice?"

"My face. Because of all those Christmas feasts that I kept eating. It is all puffy.", he mumbled again.

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