Winter Ball - II

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Song - Look What You Made Me Do (Taylor Swift)

It wasn't long before Minho met a bruised Yoongi and a bleeding Taehyung.

It wasn't long before Taehyung's fist met Minho's jaw with such force that Yoongi wondered if he dislocated it.

Minho spat blood, "Finally I get to meet the one my princess is whoring around with."

He moved closer and touched the cut on Taehyung's cheek. "You are good too. But there is something about Seokjin and his body that makes me insatiable."

Taehyung lunged forward and while Minho did manage to block his punch, the younger kneed him in the balls.

Minho fell to the knees and yelled at Oli and the others to tie them up.

So, with that, Yoongi's head sported a nasty cut. Taehyung's knees were bleeding. They both were thrown into a closet with their hands and feet tied.

"Why did they not gag us?", Yoongi asked as he tried to free his own hands.

"We are in some corner of this huge ass house. Who would hear us?", Taehyung said as he was loosening the ropes around his feet.

After a few minutes of struggling and squirming around in positions that Taehyung would never want Jin to see him with Yoongi, they both tried to open the closet which was locked from the outside.

"Maybe we should try screaming?", Taehyung suggested.

"What if Oli and friends hear us first and this time remember to gag us?", Yoongi asked as he rummaged through the cupboard.

"Look, gasoline.", Yoongi smiled.

Taehyung stared, "I want to live."

Yoongi rolled his eyes again. Free exercise for those eyes for hanging out with friends like this. "We can light a piece of cloth."

"And? Hula hoop dance around it?", Taehyung deadpanned.

Yoongi stared back. "Watch."

He pulled off his borrowed bowtie (sorry, Namjoon) and dipped it in gasoline and then tied it to the end of a mop. He then pulled out a lighter when Taehyung gasped, "You smoke?"


"But you never smell like cigarettes."

"Yes, because I hate cigarettes. Now, watch."

Yoongi lit the bowtie on fire and pushed the end of the broomstick between the floor and the door. They stayed silent for a minute before the carpet in the hallway caught itself on fire and finally the fire alarm went off.


Jin and Jungkook were found singing at the end of the pool with their feet in water. Jimin yanked them from there and handed them over to Namjoon.

The fire alarm blared loudly drowning everything else. People rushed out of the house and a swarm of costly cars caused a jam on the road. The fire engine was trying to make its way towards the house but in vain.

"It is a small fire. What is wrong with these people?", Jimin huffed.

He then ran back into the house to look for Taehyung and Yoongi, when he found the source of the fire that everyone was running away from.

A piece of carpet was on fire. That is all. Yoongi-hyung had set bigger things on fire in his life.

He calmly walked past the carpet when he heard a muffled knock from the closet door. He broke it open to find a sweating Yoongi and Taehyung.

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