On Stage

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Song - Jealous (Labrinth)

Tae woke up to the sound of two people yelling at one another. He groaned to see that his bedroom door was ajar. He dragged himself out of the bed to shut the door and tried to not hear the sound of his parents fighting with one another – again.

He slumped back on the bed and stared at his fan. He sometimes wished to run away from his house. As dramatic as it might sound, 19 years of living with parents who can't stop themselves from fighting and abusing one another every single day gets extremely tiring.

He was jealous. Jealous of Jimin and Yoongi, of Jin, of Hobi. So damn much of Namjoon. They had a perfect family – happy parents, loving siblings, everything was picture perfect. Tae did not have siblings either! No one to share this annoyance with. He never chose to share the family state with anyone.

Their family was just fine before his 6th birthday. Everything went wrong on that day and has remained broken ever since. There was nothing he could do to repair it.

He could still hear them yelling at each other about something petty. He heard the front door slam, and his mum shout in broken words. He felt his heart slip. He hated seeing his mum sad.

He let out a loud sigh and pushed himself to the bathroom. After all, today would be his first stage performance. He was excited but his house's current atmosphere pissed all over it.


Tae walked to the bus stop and as always waited for Jimin to come before it struck him that he wouldn't. Jimin was leaving early to practice on the main stage. This did not help his mood at all. He boarded the bus, sat at the last seat, pulled his phone out and texted Jin.

Tae: Jin?

Tae: Did you leave already?

He gritted his teeth in annoyance. Jin wasn't even receiving his messages. He still didn't reply to the texts he sent last night either. The fact that they've been distant for the last two weeks except for practice, and that Jin avoided any physical contact after that one kiss drove him mad. It made him feel like he wasn't enough for Jin. And, to top it all, Irene had to join the picture.

The bus halted at the college and Tae found himself drowning into his worst mood. He trudged to the main auditorium so that he can talk to Jin before the performance that was scheduled in the evening. The whole place was in chaos. Volunteers were running, shouting and ordering around to get everything in the right place. Tae's eyes scanned the place quickly for Jin. He spotted Hobi and Lisa talking animated to Jimin.

"Jimin-ah", Tae called.

Jimin searched for Tae's voice and waved at him. Hobi did the same before he went back to talking to Lisa.

"Tae!", Jimin breathed. He seemed tired.

"You okay, Chim?"

Jimin nodded, "Hobi-hyung seems like sunshine only when it is not about dance. I am shit scared of him now."

Tae chuckled, the first time today. "Did you see Jin?"

Jimin wiped the sweat off his forehead as he stared at Tae, "Everything okay, Tae? You seem off?"

"I am fine. Just can't find Jin.", Tae replied feigning a smile.

Jimin wasn't very convinced but he replied, "Ken-hyung and Jin-hyung were in the 3rd room behind the stage."

Tae waved him a good bye and left to find the room. When he reached, he could hear laughter – especially the one that made his heart flutter. He smiled to himself and pushed open the door.

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