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Song - Possession (Sarah McLachlan)

It was just their second class of the day and Tae felt like he was done with college. The teacher monotonously went on and Tae could not stop yawning. His mind drifted off to the same person again and again. Tae rested his chin on his palm as he mentally relived those few seconds.

The sudden jolt caused Jin to lose balance, just a little and he slipped next to Tae, who instinctively held his waist, and pulled him closer. This, even if it was for a fraction of second, brought Tae's head closer, way too closer to Jin's nape.

Jin detached himself hastily and went back to his place but he wouldn't look at Tae. And, Tae wouldn't or rather couldn't stop looking at him.

Strawberries. He smelled like strawberries. Honestly, Tae couldn't remember their taste, but now he felt certain that he would love it.

Fuck. Tae thought. He had a crush on one of the most wanted guys in the college.

He almost hated the way Jin made him feel. But, after today, he relished the affect he had on Jin. He almost smiled to himself but stopped when he heard a snicker in his direction. The two sitting on his left blushed when he looked at them.

Okay, I am definitely not getting used to this. He thought and turned to look at Jimin.

Jimin gave up on listening to the class. He gave up on pretense too. He instead chose to comfortably sleep at his desk. Thankfully, the teacher did not take notice.


"Those 4 hours felt like 4 years.", Jimin yawned.

"You slept through 2 of those Jimin-ah. I can't believe no teacher woke you up.", Tae said.

They were walking towards the cafeteria. Rose and Jisoo were already waiting for them at a table.

The four sat down as they exchanged hellos and his.

"Why are you so late though? We've been waiting for almost 30 mins!" Rose groaned.

"We are sorry. We had to rush to get our bibs for the audition.", Tae explained.

"When is your audition?", Jisoo asked.

"Mine is at 3, Jimin's is at 3:30. We'll have to go earlier though for the setup.", Tae said as he munched on the food.

He could feel Jimin slowly slip into his worried state of silence.

"We'll come cheer you if we can.", Rose said.

"That'd be great.", replied Tae and nudged Jimin, who forced a smile.

"Is the cafeteria becoming smaller?", Jisoo inquired looking at a fresh crowd of people enter.

"Oh! I completely forgot. Apparently, the lunch timings for freshers now overlaps with the seniors for half an hour.", Rose clarified. "Look, there's Kookie."

Jimin's head jerked up from his plate. He watched the doe-eyed-one sprint towards them through the crowd. "Noona, hi", he greeted.

"Can I sit with you till my friends come? They went to pick their bibs.", he added.

Rose smiled lovingly at him.

"Why aren't Yoongi-hyung and I like this?", Jimin wondered out loud. "He would've asked me to fuck off without any reservations."

The others laughed while Jungkook gazed at Jimin with a little smile.

"Kookie, this is Tae, and this is Jimin.", introduced Jisoo, to which he lightly bowed to them.

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