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She paid and we both sat at a two person table.
I decided to confront her, "Billie I-

Coco pov

"Billie I was thinking"
She glanced up at me making me more nervous than I thought I would be.
"I want to have my own freedom like a nor-"
"No" she stated calmly interrupting me.
I nodded and nibbled on my pizza sort of loosing my appetite.

Well that went well

"You done?" She asked after stuffing the crust in her mouth.
I nodded and we both walked up to dump our tray.
"We have less than an hour where do you wanna go?" She asked checking her phone.
"H&M" I replied.
She nodded and we headed in.

Fawn pov

I woke up in the woods still freezing.
"Im going to die" I stated almost yelling out in the cold air.
The only thing I heard back was a small echo.
I got up and started walking, having no food in my stomache for days really took affect.
The only thing I had with me was $82 and a pack of gum that I stole on the table before I escaped.
I knew I was going to die out here it was obvious.
But that's when I found myself standing in the back of a parking lot, that belonged to a mall.
"What the hell" I murmured to myself confused but so relieved at the same time.
I ran in taking out the money I stole to hopefully get something to eat before I call back home and report Billie to the police for what she has done.
I spotted a subway not too far in the mall.
"Can I get a footlong none toasted swiss cheese, ham, and plain bread sandwich, with a side of mayo" I said in one breath, feeling my toungue do weird things as I spoke from being so dry.
I paid and sat down at a one person table.
The whole thing was gone within at least 5 minutes.
It was the best thing I've ever had in my life even though I ate subway all the time before Billie took me away.
I got up and headed to find a phone to call my parents, and that's when I spotted Billie and her little bitch walking next to her. I stumbled back quick and hid behind a large fake plant before they could spot me.
They headed into H&M.
I wanted to mess with them and get Coco back hard.
I watched and waited while thinking of a plan. They walked out not long after.
I nonchalantly followed close by, having a plan already.
I was going to get Billie while she was alone and hurt her, that was enough to get Coco back and to get rid of Billie.
They exited the store and not long after exited the mall, I followed and watched them from inside, behind the glass door.
They were headed to a restaurant across the street a few blocks down.
Once the restaurant door closed I quickly walked to where I saw they went.
The place was suprisingly empty for such a fancy place.
I spotted Billie and Coco being seated facing the window.
I sneaked passed the waitresses, quicky entering the bathroom.
Even the bathroom was fancy.
I sat in a stall and waited till finally someone came in.
I peaked under holding my hair so it didn't fall on the floor.
I could tell it was Billie from the shoes she wore.
And she was alone, bingo.

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