Chapter 17

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490 words

Derek woke up and walked in the kitchen (he woke up first in the house). He grabbed the eggs and made omelets (but without all the peppers and stuff) and set the dining table (with the plates,cup, and silverware) and poured orange juice into everyone's cup except his and put eggs on everyone's plate except his and cleaned up the kitchen and walked back into his room and sat on his bed. He sat up and started cleaning his room. He heard everyone else wake up so he laid on his bed and fell back asleep. "Der." Stiles said quietly and shook Derek softly "Hmmm..." Derek groaned "Der. C'mon you gotta get up." Stiles said shaking Derek "Mmmm..." Derek groaned again and flipped over to his other side "Derek. Wake up c'mon." Stiles kissed Derek on the lips and pulled away "I'm up...." Derek said then groaned as he sat up "Talia and the pack said thank you for breakfast. It was delicious. Thank you too." Stiles kissed Derek "Thanks... And your welcome.." Derek said then stood up and opened his door "He's awake." Jackson whispered "Hey sweetie. You okay?" Talia asked "Yeah just tired..." Derek said "Go back to sleep if you want sweetie. We just made Stiles wake you up to make sure you're okay." Talia said "Ok..." Derek said then went back into his bedroom and fell asleep.

(12:00 am)
Derek gripped the sheets (he is having a nightmare) and turned his head side to side "No. No,no,no,no!" Derek woke up screaming and Talia,Stiles, and Laura came running in "Shhh baby you're ok!" Talia held Derek in her arms "Derek, Derek you're ok!" Stiles held Derek's hand "Derek, Derek calm down. You're okay. Listen to us you're okay." Laura said and rubbed Derek's back softly "What happened?" Talia asked then Derek took a deep breath "K-Kate killed St-Stiles and I-i just stood th-there and watched her k-kill him..." Derek cried "Oh sweetie... You know you wouldn't actually do that." Talia said "Kate is interfering with his life to much and I'm done with it." Laura stood and angrily walked out the door "Laura? Laura what are you doing?" Talia chased after her "Killing Kate." Laura said "Oh no you're not missy!" Talia grabbed her daughter's arm "If she interferes again then yes, we'll all kill her. Only if Allison says we can." Talia said "Fine." Laura said then went to her room "I'm okay Der. And I will stay like that." Stiles said and hugged Derek "I love you Stiles..." Derek said "I love you too sourwolf..." Stiles said and kissed Derek. Stiles laid beside Derek and made sure he fell asleep. Soon after Derek fell asleep, Stiles fell asleep too.

Hey sorry the chapter was a bit short but I wasn't that motivated at the moment and got tired sooo yeah that's why its short.

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