Chapter 22

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You can break my soul.
Take my life away.
Beat me.
Hurt me.
Kill me.
But for the love of god,
Don't take him...

250 words

Stiles' POV:
So its March now. The last month of me being locked up. Next month I'll be let out. I'll be able to see the pack again! I miss them so much... Well Imma eat and go to sleep. Good night.

With the pack:
The pack started cleaning up the house for Derek. It was a mess since Stiles left. Stiles was the pack mom to them. He cooked food for them,Cleaned,made them clean their messes,made them laugh,helped them out when they needed him the most, and always made sure he got everyone to sleep at a certain time when there was school the next day. They were happy with Stiles. But now, they're less happy. Derek is a mess. He hasn't slept in 2 weeks. Hasn't took a shower in 1 week. Hasn't cleaned his room. And Hasn't ate that much anymore. When he came home he was shocked at how clean the house was "Suprise!" The pack said "Its amazing guys. Thanks for cleaning up." Derek said as the packed hugged him. They all went into their rooms and went to sleep. Derek went into his room and took a shower. He got out and got dressed into some jeans and a shirt. He laid in his bed and sighed. He closed his eyes and immediately fell asleep.

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