Chp. 17

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Oscar's POV

The car ride to and from was like a dream to me. Seeing her sit in the Impala again felt like we were back in the days were I just got my license. Nothing could stop us from hitting the pavement and going somewhere.

Amaya was like a goddess as the afternoon sun rays came beating down on her porcelain face, brown hair and ocean blue eyes.

Everything seemed better to me.

She wasn't trying to fight me. Or cut me out. For once in this madness of a week she let me in.

Amaya probably wasn't gonna tell her mom about what she was doing outside of teaching. Or let her sisters know but that was how she always was.

She fought from a young age to keep her barriers up from the rest of us. Her telling me just an inch of her life was like her setting a flame to those walls and I was watching them burn down. I knew that she was in Seattle. I made sure of it.

Guadalupe kept track of where she was going from the minute she woke up from her coma letting me know she was alright. When I went to jail she mailed me letters telling me in detail of Amaya's new life further up the West Coast. She even let me know that Amaya got a job not as a teacher like she had always planned but as a DJ to help her mom out.

I knew every single thing she told me in my car. But hearing it from her let me live it through her.


When we got back to the 'Ridge, Señora Sanchez had big binders set out in front of the twins. Each of them labeled and color coated. Nothing less from a seasoned teacher. Mikey and Nieves sat on the couch across from the girls where I joined them.

"These are for your quince. I want you to pick things out that you like and tell me or AJ. You both need to decide on your colors and what style dress you want."

Lilia and Katia both interrupted their mother by saying, "We want black. All of you dressed in black. Decorations in black, etc. Everything midnight black." Each of them taking turns speaking.

"WHAT!?! You are not having black dresses!"

Lilia flipped through the book and stopped. "No I want a blue dress and Kat wants a red dress. We just don't want anyone else matching us. Damas can wear gray or something but we want to stand out."

Amaya was laughing from across the room. "Mami remember when I tried to make everything rainbow."

"That was a disaster. Fine, I don't care. We'll go thrifting for your dresses in January."

"Ma I got it." Amaya interjected.


"You take care of the decorations and the dances. I'll make sure they get their outfits. Plus Sara's and mine. Just call Tia Henie and get her to help you."

"She busy planning Mario's wedding." Amaya shot her eyes over to me and I started chuckling.

"No fucking way!" Amaya yelled.

"Let's go." I stood up still laughing and Amaya practically running out the door.

"AJ I need your lesson plan!"

"Open my computer Ma." She said over her shoulder.

Amaya's POV

Oscar and I had literally just talked to Mario about this like two days ago. And it was happening.

"Can you believe it?"

"Ya, Angelica's loco."

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