Chp. 31

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Amaya's POV

I was still so pissed off from my talk with Oscar.

Monday morning in came his brother and all his friends.

"We heard about you going to see Stacey. How is she?" Ruby tried to ask nicely. 

Except I wasn't in the mood to be the nice Computer teacher today.

"Oh good, she's still alive and kicking unlike you four who don't know when to mind their business. Now take your seats."

"Today class were going to be creating a timeline of your lives. It'll be due by Friday morning. Seeing as next year a third of you will be at college, another third will be working and the last third will be back here, this would be the time to mourn your past selves. Start from birth, every detail you can remember. Siblings can work together to submit one timeline. Couples you will not work with each other. I don't care if you have plans to get married after high school, because that's creating a timeline that doesn't exist. Now let's go, you guys have forty minutes to get started."

This should keep them busy I saw to myself. Except it doesn't. Each of the Core four took their turns starring at me. Fucking Oscar can't keep his mouth shut.

Ruby appeared above my laptop after some time.

"Do I have to put the time Olivia died? Or that I got shot?"

"Only if you want to. I'm not gonna put you through that but its also something that happened to you."

"Okay, thanks." 

Jamal was next.

"What about the time," he lowered his voice, "I found the RollerWorld cash?"

"No one's gonna believe you if you put that down."

"But you do believe me, right?"

"I've seen the cash. I know its real."

Jamal's face twisted. "Spooky still has the cash!" He yelled a little too loud.

"Jamal hallway now. Cesar, Monse and Ruby you too." They stood up and followed me out.

"Alright time to shut it about Cuchillos and RollerWorld. Every single kid in there doesn't give a shit if you are kidnapped or that some crazy bitch was after all of us. They want an education not entertainment. So, put in the stuff that you think affected you the most. Jamal just don't put in anything about the cash or Lil Ricky."

"What do you know about Lil Ricky?" Ruby questioned me.

"More than you. Now, let's go or I'll give each of you detention."

"Huh! I already have detention." Jamal tries to gloat.

"Shut up Jamal." The other three say.

Finally I sat down and started my next mix. Forgetting that my computer was hooked up to the speakers the kids hear everything I'm trying to do.

"Sorry. Go back to work." I'm hella embarrassed.

Everyone returned to their computers and I continued. IF this company was gonna poach me I was coming in with new shit. New ideas, sounds, beats, everything. Maybe even a new me.

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