Chp. 18

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Amaya's POV

I spent my entire first week of teaching here mad, pissed off and mostly silent.

The kids were fine. I didn't realize but my class was considered the special class for all those who knew how to use a computer so handing them the beginner textbooks was a little awkward. My students weren't vulgar or rude. Most of them seemed like me.

Timid, glad to be sitting in front of a computer and happy to be among intelligent beings.

My mother tried speaking to me but other than agreeing to drive the twins. I wasn't speaking to her. Since my car was still being dealt with Oscar's goons drove us.

But when Friday night hit, Marco finally brought me my baby. Her new tires were great and he toned it too. Best primo ever.

Friday night also meant work. Which meant getting Los Santos off my back again. Which meant speaking to Oscar again.

"Yup, I'll be gone until Sunday."

"Did you tell your mom?"

"No, why would I?"

He just shock his head. "Okay, but they're still sitting outside until you come back."

"Fine with me. Did you get someone to paint the front door?"

"Nah, I did it. Cesar has scores of paint in his room so I just took some."

"Well thanks. Oh, if you want to come here's the invite."

I sent him a text to the link of the club. Trying to be nice and not a bitch to him for once.

"I'll think about it. Football game at the high school tomorrow, so I'll have to think about it."

"Send me a video of them doing all fall down?"

"Will do. Be safe, and put some more clothes on."

I wasn't even wearing that slutty of an outfit. More than what I usually wear but less than what I'd call slutty.

 More than what I usually wear but less than what I'd call slutty

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"This is my uniform. I don't have time to change tonight, I got the early shift."

Early shift meant 9 p.m., you just never knew when you'd be done for the night. Could be anywhere from just being the main headliners hype man for an hour or being the headliner until someone took over at 3 a.m.


"Adios ese."

Sara was riding her bike down the street with a lowrider following her just ever so slightly.

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