Chapter 2.

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"Zachary is such a jerk, what does he think about himself?" I was munching my fries and probably rambling about the incident for the past fifteen minutes.

"Stop sulking Ava, you are overreacting now," Ryan said while taking my fries. I could not, it was really bothering me.

We were at the Burger Palace. We came to this place quite a lot. I always felt comfortable here with my friends. This place serves the best food not that I have been to many places. But I can assure anyone if they want their taste buds to be awakened with some delicious food this would be the right place in our town. The smell of burgers and meat filled the whole place.

Usually, the booths were always occupied with teenagers who come here just like us. It was popular among teens. Our place is fixed at the corner. Strange enough coming here helps me feel comfortable and calm.

"I don't get it why he doesn't want to be paired with me," I said, my focus returning back to the conversation.

"What if you bullied him in the past?" Ryan asked me with wide eyes like this made perfect sense and it could only be the possible reason. "It must have happened in middle school and somehow you forgot and he still remembers. And he might be holding grudges against you," he concluded.

"Ryan, do you think Ava would really bully anyone?" Rose accused him, raising both of her perfectly arched eyebrows, clearly taken aback by his theory.

If I remember correctly, such kind of incident never happened. Or Ryan could be right. Maybe something like that did happen and somehow my brain suppressed the memory. I couldn't do such a thing, could I? Geez! I was clearly overthinking now.

"I am just saying, it might be a possibility," Ryan muttered. He tried to take another fry, and I smacked his hand. He winced in pain and I smiled back.

"No one can take my fries except me," I glared at him. He knows it well, then too he won't listen.

"Zachary doesn't seem like a kid who would be bullied," Clara commented. All heads turned in her direction.

"Why are you all looking at me like that? I mean just look at him he's so hot and bold who would even dare to bully him." It's true though he's surely handsome. 

"And he is a swimmer too, he can put up a fight. After all, he has won many swimming competitions." Clara added.

"How do you know so much about Zachary?" Emily asked curiously.

"Come on, It's common knowledge, Everybody knows about it. Zachary is kind of a big deal if you are even aware," Clara said in a mocking tone.

"Well, I didn't know that," Emily mumbled.

"How would you know you? You were head over heels for that geek," she grumbled. I could see that Emily was annoyed by this, and they both started bickering.

Thinking about it Zachary wasn't popular, but he was fairly known especially among girls. Not that he comes across as rude and arrogant. But who am I to know? After all, I don't really know him. And I noticed he hung out with only his friend. He never shows up to parties, if he was there I would have known.

But I saw him that one time. He was escorting his friend. He looked like he wanted to smash his head, but also wanted to get him home safely. He was both frantic and concerned. While his friend whose name I don't know was clearly drunk and goofing around. It was an amusing sight to watch.

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