Chapter 21.

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The massive building extended over the land in a curve. It was made wholly of glass encircled with golden stripes. We were at one hour distant from our town, in the suburb area of the city.

"Don't be so surprised, the other hotels and resorts are probably more exclusive than this," Zachary said.

I was with Zachary outside one of the hotels of his fathers. 

The interior was as astonishing, a golden chandelier hung from the luminous, dome-shaped ceiling, and huge pillars on either side. We moved to the area which I presumed was the dining room.

I noticed all the people either in business suits or sophisticated outfits. This place screamed riches.

I still wasn't able to shake off what happened yesterday. I couldn't sleep last night. Tossing and turning the whole night until the sun rays peered into my room.

I couldn't meet Zachary's eyes, not yet. Maybe I was too afraid.

I looked at him when he appeared distracted on his phone. He was in a blue and black suit, his hair slicked back with gel keeping his brown hair enact in the position. He looked professional like an actual businessman. There was also a lawyer with us to execute the deal.

"Why does your father want you to do the deal? You are still not qualified yet, are you?"

He let out an audible sign. "I am eighteen if that's what you mean."

"Wait...when is your birthday?" I was bad with remembering dates and even if he had told me I am sure I forgot.

"I was born in July," he said and I made a mental note to write it down.

"I think My father wants me to see how these business things actually work. The person who will come is a good friend of his and they have already finalized the deal, only paper works are left."

"Have you been to business meetings before?" It sounded too much of duty and responsibility.

"Yes, he has taken me to enough meetings for me to know. But this is quite new." He answered.

I finally looked at him and said, "You will do just fine."

"I am sorry I dragged you into this. But if you feel uncomfortable you can wait outside." He apologised. 

"It's not a problem." I smiled. "If you need a friend, I will be there." Maybe he didn't want to tell me but his shoulders relaxed a little, he seemed relieved too.

We were seated on one of the tables in the middle. I liked the view from here, as we were on the higher floors we could easily see the sea from the half curtained window.

I enjoyed the view while Zach had his head buried in his phone. Maybe talking to Kate. It made him feel anxious thinking about her. I felt like I was holding on to a secret that wasn't mine. As if I was betraying him.

Should I tell him about her now? No, this doesn't seem like an ideal time. It will only distract him, I will tell him after the deal's done.

After a few minutes, a person came towards our direction. He wore a black suit, his hair balding. If I had to guess I would say that he must be in his 50's. He must be the person we were waiting for.

"Zachary Brooks, right?" He held out his hand to him for a handshake. Zach did it with ease. "I am Seth Thomson."

"It's nice to meet you, Mr Thomson," I don't usually judge people on their appearances but this man looked skilled in his profession. He then shook hands with the lawyer.

Mr.Thomson looked at me. " Who are you?" His forehead furrowed with wrinkles. He had a frown attached on his face. It wasn't that he was frowning at me. I guess it was his resting face.

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