Chapter 30.

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One star, two-star, twenty-three star. Geez, I messed up adding the numbers again. Counting the stars on your room ceiling is no fun. I closed my eyes and waited for sleep to consume me.

"This isn't going to work," I muttered to myself and sat up straight, getting out of the bed. I played the mixtape that Zach gave me as a gift, it was such a sweet present. I have been playing it on repeat for days. Especially the last song, which he sang on his own. 'Steal my girl' I don't even remember mentioning that it's my favorite song and he remembered.

I made such a fool of myself. Why did you have to kiss him, Ava? I'm just scared I ruined my friendship. Damn it. I kicked the box under my study table, and all the stationery and paper scraps fell out. Freaking great. Now I have to clean up this too.


I was so not ready for school. It has been two weeks since the holiday, the days ended up in blurs. I did nothing exciting in this break, except sulking.

I parked my car at the end of the school parking lot. Matt was standing at the corner of the parking lot. It seemed like he arrived now too.

I better get inside the school before he could see me, Matt has been endlessly calling me since we broke up. I picked the call at the start, but he won't stop telling me to meet him. How could I? It was out of the question.

Just then, when I was having an internal monologue, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Uh-no, Matt.

"Hey," I tried to sound as normal as I could and kept my voice even. "What's up?"

"Ava, how are you?" he asked me, nonchalantly.

I hated how formal we were sounding, it's not like we were strangers.

"Umm...good. What about you?"

He shook his head, "Are you really okay? Because I'm not. What did you see in that stupid loser." He frowned.

"Matt stop it, we discussed it before." I hissed."It's not because of Zach that we broke up."

He grabbed my hand in his, "I still love you. Can't you see how lonely we would be without each other?"

He's gone nuts. What kind of words he's spewing?

"Matt, let me go." I struggled to get out of his grip. "Matt, let go of my hand." I gritted my teeth, but he wouldn't leave it.

"Let her go, Matthew." I turned my head and saw Zach approaching us.

Now, what was he doing here? These two in the same place, it wouldn't go well. I just want to dig a hole and bury myself in it.

"I said leave her hand," he declared, in his deep voice, and swiftly pushed Matt's hand off me.

The red and pink bruises were starting to form on my wrist already. Zach looked at me with concern all over his face, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I muttered, examining my wrist. They would take 2-3 days to heal.

"Pfft." Matt sneakered. "So, this is your trick huh?" He pushed him. "Loser."

I didn't have a good feeling about this. Lord knows, what's going to happen.

Zach looked unusually calm and said, "I don't care what you say, just please keep your ego aside and think rationally. I'm sure this-"

Matt lunged forward and threw a punch across Zach's jaw. Smack It took a moment for Zach to lift up his face. I wasn't expecting Matt to behave this violently. It was worse than I imagined.

"Matt! What the fuck." I yelled. "You have gone crazy, you have just completely lost yourself," I said, in disbelief.

"Huh? You're one to talk." He smirked.

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