Chapter 3.

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🎶And we danced all night to the best song ever.
We knew every line, now I can't remember🎶

My phone rang continuously. I hit the snooze button and slept for five more minutes when the song started again. I really like that song but now I am regretting that I set it for my alarm tone.

I groaned and sat up. I glanced at my phone and it showed seven in the morning. I had a weird dream last night, Zachary was in that dream. We were doing our assignment and he was glaring with his shiny green eyes at me the whole time. Ugh. Maybe I was really thinking too much about him.

Getting up, I headed to the bathroom for a shower. Later, I put on my black tank top and paired it with a denim skirt. I don't really care much about fashion though my friends say I look good in anything. I put on a little makeup and made my way down to the kitchen when I caught a whiff of pancakes. That meant mom was home.

"Good morning, Mom," I said taking my seat at our kitchen table. "Good morning Ava." She put pancakes in front of me as well as herself and took her seat.

"So tell me, girls, how are you both doing in school? Something interesting I should know about?"

"I made a friend mommy," Scarlet said excitedly with her mouth full of pancakes and told mom about her new friend.

"It's going fine. Same old stuff," I said putting maple syrup on my pancakes.

I asked my mom about her work. "It's good honey, just a little bit of overtime here and there. We are short of employees now but overall everything's good."

She said with a tight smile that didn't reach her eyes. I could see the stress in her eyes though. She was getting wrinkles too. I guess stress really ages people.

Daniel and I always told her to not take too much strain on herself but she hardly listens to us. She is a workaholic and I think it's partly because of dad. She is the head of the marketing team in a company and the income is fairly good.

We live in a two-story house with five bedrooms, three bathrooms one in the two-floor and one in the second. Mine and scarlet's room is on the second floor. And we have a yard. Pretty much every other house in our green lake town.

I finished my breakfast and headed out for school. "Bye, mom." "By scar," I said kissing her on the cheek.

I started my car. It's a Mercedes Benz given by my mother on my sixteenth birthday. It is silver in colour. It was the best gift I could ever receive and I was elated when my mother handed me the key to the car.

I made my way to Matt's house. Earlier he messaged me asking if I could pick him. Saying that his car broke down and has gone for repair. I reached his house and picked my phone to dial his number. I heard the rapping sound on my car's window. It was from Matt. He opened the car and sat on the passenger's seat making himself comfortable.

"Good morning beautiful." He smiled at me. That smile takes my breath away. I leaned in to kiss him. 

"You know guys Claire is back." I heard Ryan saying when Matt and I entered the hallway.

"Ugh, we have to deal with her again. She gives me a freaking migraine," Rose said with an annoyed look.

"We were doing better without her, "I said, feeling a sudden gloominess consuming me.

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