Chapter 31.

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My body went numb, cold sweat formed on my forehead as I saw the man locking the door while going inside my house. Don't sit here Ava, you gotta do something.

I hastily removed my seat belt and used my spare key to open the door and moved inside my house. The hallway seemed clear with no one in sight. Where did he go?

It was a good thing that Scar was still in school, Mom had a leave today, so she might be in her room.

I went ahead and checked the living room, then the kitchen, still couldn't find anyone. I opened one of the guest rooms. Crash It was the sound of a Vase breaking, coming from my Mom's room.

I hurriedly rushed there, and there he was. The man pointed the gun on my Mom's head. She looked truly terrified, her body was pressed against the glass wall.

"Where is the money? Where do you keep it?" He said, in his gruff voice.

They didn't see me yet. "Wh–who are yo–you? My voice quivered. I held the baseball bat closed to me, which I picked up from Dan's room.

"Ava, what are you doing here?" My Mom panicked.

"What does he want?" I asked, in a small voice.

He turned towards me, his face was covered with a mask, sunglasses and a cap. He removed the gun from Mom's head and pointed at me. "Tell me, where do you keep your money." He demanded.

So, he was here for the money. It's crazy how people can go to such extents just for money.

I took in a breath and raised my hands in surrender, "Alright, how much do you want?"

My Mom shook her head, "Ava, no," she exclaimed.

"Don't worry Mom, we will give him what he wants and he will leave us, right?" I veered at him.

I noticed his hands, fear crawled in my stomach. Was it him? No, why would he do this? This is not the time to lose your cool Ava. 

He looked at me. "Why are you so eager to help me rob you all?" He said, in his muffled voice.

"What do you mean? You have a freaking gun, I don't want any of my family members to be slaughtered today, just take the money and leave us the fuck alone," I whimpered, hoping it would have convinced him. 

He nodded, "Okay, Just give me the money."

I led him towards the other room, where safe's were kept. He followed behind me, still pointing the gun. Mom didn't leave my side, "What is going inside your head young lady?" she hissed.

I was too afraid to admit my suspicions, but there was a fair chance it was possible. The question was why?

"Here, " I opened the safe and told him, "Go on, take whatever you want and just leave us, "

"Please, don't. It's my hard-earned money–"

"Shut up!" He snickered.

I felt bad for my Mom. If my plan succeeded, this could be averted. 

His face lingered on me for some time before he made the move. He promptly started to pick out all the money and put it inside his bag. We didn't keep much money in our house so there were some credit cards and jewellery along with cash.

This was my time. He didn't have a proper grip on his gun. I swung the baseball on his hand and the gun fell out of this hand.

"You're crazy," he cried over, holding his now swollen hand.

I eyed my Mom and she was quick to grab the gun, I moved forward and snatched the mask off his face.

I was right, it was him. How I wished it wasn't the situation, how could he do this to us? How can a person degrade to this level? He tried to harm his own family. No, he never considered us his family in the first place. All he saw was his own greed. It's unbelievable this man standing right in front of me, is my father.

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