Chapter 4.

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"Do you think these heels would go with this dress?"

"Wait, try this one," I said, handing her a black stiletto.

"They would look good on you." I nodded.

"Let me try," She put the stiletto on and stood up. She was wearing a black dress which looked great on her. She wasn't much dressed up but still managed to look elegant.

I was at Rose's house, we are getting ready for the party. Actually only Rose was getting ready.

I was here in my ripped jeans and a crop top my usual party wear. They were comfortable but Rose insisted I should wear dresses too not that I don't look good in jeans and top.

'If we are popular we should set trends too' her words not mine. But I refused as always. I prefer my jeans for all clothes.

"Hey, you got a message from your friend Max."

"When will you stop?" She shot me an annoying look. I liked to taunt her, she started to talk with him she as was going  through her breakup with Jason. They were dating for three years.

But through Clara, we got to know that he had been cheating on her for the past five months. She confronted him and he confessed everything.

Rose wasn't extremely heartbroken. which surprised me, considering they have been dating for so long. She said that she saw that coming and knew that they would break-up soon. But she didn't expect him to cheat. And then she met Max in some game, since then they have been in contact. It was strange for me, but I didn't say her anything to her.

Rose got ready after what felt like an eternity.

When we entered Brain's house. I noticed all the students. It's as if the whole senior and juniors have turned up today. Considering that it was the first part of the year it made sense. But Brian's house was big enough to hold everybody in.

The music was deafening here. But I was used to it. I actually enjoyed these parties. I saw the people drinking beers and smoking cigarettes. People were dancing like crazy. While some were having heated make-out sessions in the corner.

I scanned the crowd looking for my friends and noticed Clara and Ryan. Ryan's girlfriend Monica was here too. They were dancing too close, someone will definitely hookup tonight.

I headed towards them but Rose dragged me to the kitchen."First, let's find some beer." She said and I agreed.

The kitchen table was filled with a tub of liquid. Which seemed to be beer. We took our plastic cups and filled them.

I was sipping on the beer. It tasted bitter. I took out a can of soda from the refrigerator and mixed it. It tastes better.

I checked my phone and saw that I had a message from Matt.

Matt: babe, I can't come today, have to go to practice.

Reading the message put me in a cranky mood. I wanted to spend some time with Matt as he was always playing football. We hardly spend time together.

Me: ok, I miss you. :(

I messaged him. And chug down two more cups of beer.

I saw Rose making out with a guy. I don't know his name but I have seen him a couple of times. He is also on the football team.

I left rose and headed out of the kitchen. This place was becoming more crowded now.

I caught sight of drunk Claire. She was dancing with Brian. More like she is grinding on him. I walked past them not wanting to grab any attention by her and start a fight. I was already in a foul mood.

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