Chapter 10.

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"Stop laughing and tell me what should I do?" I was talking to Rose and was explaining to her about what happened with Zachary, but instead of giving me a solution, she started laughing like a madwoman.

"You are telling me that...he closed the door on...your face," she said in between laughter.

I rolled my eyes at that, though she can't see it. I could barely hold my annoyance, I don't even know why am I asking her for advice.

"Yes Rose, and will you please give me a solution like you're supposed to?"

"He said you both aren't friends, right? Then you should try to become his friend. Ava, can we talk later I am getting messages from Max." with that being said she cut the call.

What kind of advice is that? And try to be friendly, aren't I friendly already?

For a long time, I was sitting in my bed and staring at the posters of one direction on the slightly purple wall in front of me. But nothing came to my mind. Geez...Why does he bother me so much? I don't get it why do I want to be a friend to Zachary. I mean I really enjoyed hanging out with him. Maybe that could be the reason.

When I went to the living room, I saw that Scar was sprawled on the couch and doing something.

"What are you doing Scar?" I took a step closer to get a better look and saw that she was drawing in her book. Before I could peek in further she closed it shut.

"What were you doing?"

"Nothing." She shook her head. A frown was etched onto her face.

"Come on, you were drawing something I saw it. Are you hiding something from me scar?" I tried to get the book from her but failed and she ran upstairs.

What is wrong with people today? I have to talk to Scarlet about that though, seeing her sad, upsets me.

I proceeded to make dinner for us as mom wouldn't be home until late at night.


"Rose, What do you and Max talk so much about?" I was curious and wanted to know what kind of things they would have been discussing, that their talk never ends.

"Just stuffs." That was a vague answer. She didn't bother to look at me and was examining her perfectly manicured nails.

Do they... before I could say anything she said.

"Nothing dirty or whatever is going in your head, Ava."

I cleared my throat." I wasn't thinking anything." I said.

She smirked at me giving a look that meant she knew me better than anyone else.

Well, it did cross my mind.

We were on our way to our classes. Much to my dismay, the first class was physics.

"See you later, Ava," she said and blended with the crowd.

I saw Ryan sitting at our usual desk. Instead of sitting with him, I sat where Zachary usually sits.

Ryan looked confused and gave me a puzzled look. Ding!  I checked my phone it was a text from Ryan asking why I wasn't at our usual seats. I just texted him that I would explain it later and proceeded to wait for Zachary.

The bell was about to ring and still, there was still no sight of Zachary. Soon our professor entered and started to explain the chapter.

A few minutes later there was knock at the door and when the professor opened it, I sat up a little straight to get the clear view.

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