Chapter 23.

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We were at Emily's house watching a movie. My mind kept on drifting elsewhere and I couldn't focus. I wanted to sleep but rest seemed far away.

I looked at Rose, she was plopped at Emily's side, both of them looking at something amusing as the break was on.

"Omg, I can't believe this! " Emily bounced up and down on the couch.

"Girl, why are you jumping like a monkey?" Clara asked. Emily shot her a glare but was too excited to let Clara's reaction spoil her mood.

"He liked my pictures. Mr.Walker agreed to take me as his apprentice this summer!" She said cheerfully.

She was always keen on photography. I knew someday her talent would land her to the destination.

"I am so happy for you." I got up and gave her a hug. She deserved it. I saw Clara from the corner of my eye. I could tell she was happy, proud even.

"I feel bad for that poor dude, imagine spending all summer with you." Clara chuckled. Emily smiled at her and hugged Clara. She made some grumpy noises but hugged her regardless. She wasn't a touchy person.

"I am proud of you, you deserved it," Clara said finally, smiling at Emily.

I was happy for my friend, but I couldn't help thinking that I was still a clueless mess.

"What do you guys think about being a stripper?" I asked them. It just popped into my mind. They get paid well, right?

I didn't have an exact model figure, but it was still good enough. I had the curves at proper places though which could make up for it.

"I can suggest you some clubs," Clara said. "You can earn a hella lot of money. Maybe I can join you too. We both will rock it." she continued unable to contain herself as if my idea was brilliant and she wanted to give me a medal or something.

She was right, I wouldn't have to worry about money. That should be the easiest job.

"Are you out of your damn mind?" Rose scoffed, interrupting both of us. "And Clara, you are supporting her in this? What's wrong with you guys," she was clearly annoyed. She didn't look at me, and I couldn't meet her gaze either. We still weren't on talking terms.

"Wouldn't that be the easiest work?" I ignored her and asked the others.

"Oh yes! Along with giving pleasure to middle age horny men." Rose deadpanned. "Sounds like fun."

I swallowed in frustration and pointed out to her, "You have nothing to worry about. You have already decided what you want to do."

She would already go to Oxword and be a doctor or something. It feels like everyone was having a goal but me. Everyone was determined what they want to do with their lives.

"Ava, from when did you start to worry about these things? It never bothered you before." Emily asked me. "You were always the one to tell us to forget about our worries and live our life at the moment," she said.

"Yeah, it sounds strange coming from you. Even I haven't figured out yet, I might just travel the whole world or set up my camp in the middle of the Himalaya." Clara said.

I wasn't sure if she was joking or being serious but knowing Clara she could probably do something like that.

I didn't know why it was bothering me either. They were right, I wasn't like that. It was all because of spending so much time with Zach.

"You have changed Ava, and it has been this way since you have been hanging out with Zachary," Clara pointed out too. She sounded hurt, little angry too. Why did my friends had a problem with him?

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