Chapter 7.

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I picked the call on the third ring.
"Hey, Ava how are you doing." My brother, Daniel asked me. He sounded breathless.

"What's the matter Dan and why do you sound out of breath."

"Well, I just went out for a run and besides there is something important I want to discuss with you." He could have called me after some time. What's so urgent?

"Come on, don't make me wait for too long," I urged, as my curiosity increased. I heard a sharp inhale from the other side, and the next thing he said shocked me.

"Dad called me," he said. "He wanted to see me, and was asking if I could meet him on Saturday."

What?... Why was dad contacting him all of a sudden? He had never tried to get in contact with any of us for the past eleven years.

Thinking about him make me mad, at the same time upset me too. I missed him so much, always waiting for a day that he would call me and say he missed me too.

But the call never came and after a while, I lost all my hope to ever get in touch with him.

"Ava are you listening to me," Daniel inquired. For a few seconds, it left my mind that I was talking to him.

"Umm... yeah sure." I tried to keep my tears at bay. A lump was forming in my throat and I struggled to swallow it.

"I was saying that, what should I do? Should I meet him? Or just  pretend he never called and move on with my life like he did."

Honestly, I didn't know what this call could be about. It can't be that he misses us all of a sudden, out of the blue. For all we know, he might have a whole another family.

"Dan, I am as clueless as you're. Do as you wish! After all, he wants to get in touch with you." I tried to keep the bitterness away from my voice."Have you told mom about this?"

"No, I didn't. I don't want her to be pressurized about this. Besides she has enough on her plate. That's why I called you. I wanted to get it out of my system."

"I know, and you are right mom don't have to know about this."

We both stayed quiet. Two of us trying to get ahold of the situation. After what seems like a long time, I asked him.

"What are you gonna do Dan?"

"I am gonna meet him," he said, after the deadly silence.

"Are you sure about that, you don't have to do that if you don't want to."

"I have my questions, Ava." He said with resentment laced in his voice.

"Alright then." After talking with him for sometimes about here and there I hung up.

I tried to hold myself but a single tear escaped and I cried until I had no energy and tears left.

I opened my drawer and picked out an album. It contained all of my pictures. My pictures with Mom, Daniel, Scar and dad.

I stared at a certain picture for a while. It was a sunny day, we were out on a beach. I was in a pretty yellow swimsuit. My smile spread out on my face with toys in both of my hands. While my dad was holding me in his arms. He was in his khaki shorts and a t-shirt.

He looked younger in this picture. He was in his mid 20's back then. With a well-built body. His shoulders appeared so strong that I used to think he could carry all of my worries in the world.

I still remember the day clearly when my mom said to us.

"Ava I want to talk about something with you." Mommy was crying. I don't like it when she cries.

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