Chapter 22.

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He parked the car near the parking spot of a company. I couldn't see any restaurants here.

"Where are we?" I asked him.

"It's not far from here," he answered.

He kept on walking and I followed behind him, after ten minutes of good walking he stopped in his tracks.

"They have some delicious tacos here, "

Then my eyes caught a glimpse of a big green and orange truck, with tacos and wrap painted on it. It was a food truck.

"Then let's get some," I wasn't a fan of taco's but Zach looked so eager that I couldn't turn him down.

My mind wandered back to my thoughts. How should I tell him about Kate? I don't know how to start. Is it any of my business? Yes, it is. It was your suggestion. This was going to be hard.

He returned with his two hands filled with taco buns. I took one from him, he took a bite of his and I did the same. As I took in the big bite, my mouth was filled with the delicious sauces and meat. I was overwhelmed by the sweet and tangy flavour. This one could definitely change my opinions on tacos.

"Zach, how do you find these amazing places?"

He shrugged, " I am used to coming here, I found it last year." He said.

"Wait, it's going to be sunset soon, wanna watch it?" He asked me with a grin.

"Sure." It wasn't like I had anywhere to be.

He took me on an unfamiliar path. There were no shops or buildings here, no hustle-bustle. What is his obsession with deserted places?

"Where are we?" I asked him while following him closely.

"We are almost there." He led me to an abandoned building.

It was completely dark when we stepped in, "Zach?" I called out to him. As I stepped in an unknown direction, something snapped below my feet and a screech left my mouth.

"Don't worry, it's probably a twig or some wooden material," he turned his flashlight on and a small amount of gleam filled the room. He was right it was a small twig.

"There's a problem, this building has no elevator, we have to use the stairs, but don't worry it's just 25 or so stairs," he said in a serious tone. 

"What? You are not serious," I exclaimed. I shot him an annoying look.

He shook his head, "I am serious." he said with a straight face.

I stood there and looked at him like he was an idiot. No way in hell I would climb those 20 or so stairs. Even if I wanted to, this mini dress would make it impossible. God, knows why I dressed up in this today.

"Okay, I was kidding there is an elevator," he said after a moment. "But, it was worth seeing the look on your face," he chuckled.

"You gave me a scare," I yelled at him and tried to hit him in a joking manner but he gracefully missed it and moved ahead.

After taking the elevator we were now facing an old rusty door. There was no lock, he slammed the door with his right shoulder and it creaked open. 

We sat at the edge of the roof, facing down the city. It was a different experience seeing it from this height. The pink, orange clouds blended in and filled the blue sky. The city ahead was glowing down in rays of yellow that escaped the clouds. I looked at that in awe.

"Isn't it good?" he asked me after settling down. The wind caught in my hair and I tucked it behind my ear. Our legs were dangling down in the air. I wasn't afraid of heights but I saw Zach gripping tightly the edge.

Indecisive HeartOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora