Chapter 27.

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The atmosphere in the hall told me that I should flee to my room. But I knew it was inevitable, Mom wouldn't let me breathe until she had a proper discussion with me. Damn it.

"What's happening?" I faked a smile, and carefully settled on the couch.

"Where were you?" My Mom narrowed her eyes.

I didn't dare to say anything, instead sent pleading glances at Dan's direction, but he just shook his head. What kind of mess have I gotten myself into?

"Where. were. you. Ava," she said, each word loud and clear in a stern tone, that sent down my spine. Shit. I have hardly heard her using this tone.

"You went to see him, didn't you?" She asked me, still holding the phone. the evidence.

I nodded reluctantly, "Yes Mom."

"Oh, Christ. You kids, what do you think of yourselves?" She racked her hair and shook her head furiously. "And Dan, I didn't expect this from you." She eyed him disappointed, like whatever proud moments we had a while ago disappeared into thin air.

"Sorry Mom," he said, without meeting her eyes.

"Ava, how could you be this reckless? What in the world has gotten into you that you went to see that man? At least you could have informed me." Her forehead creased and her mouth turned into a frown.

"I thought you wouldn't let me meet him." Which I was sure, was true. She wouldn't have ever let me see him if it wasn't for him to seek us first.

"Of course I wouldn't have. You don't know anything young lady." She exclaimed.

"Enough Mom. You can't hold me back forever," I yelled. She looked shocked at my outburst. Why wouldn't she let me meet him? What was her problem?

"We cut ties with that man years ago. He shouldn't be a part of our lives. he doesn't deserve to". She gritted her teeth.

"You haven't seen him, Mom. He's changed."

She shook her head, not saying anything.

"Everyone deserves a second chance Mom." What he did was wrong, but spending time with him, talking to him, I felt good. Mom tried her best to manage both the roles, but meeting him I felt like a missing a parental figure in my life was finally filled.

She grimaced, "You don't know him, Ava."

"That's the reason. I want to know him, Mom. He's my dad and he's Scarlet's dad too. Don't you think she would like to know her father?"

She looked hesitant. She might be thinking about her boyfriend. Though I haven't met him, I have heard enough about him to not trust him. They have barely been dating for six months.

"Go ahead. Do whatever you want to do. You kids seem to be capable of everything." She sneered and walked away into her room.

If he came here she would see how much he has changed. Maybe then only she will see mine and Dan's point.

I'd something important to do before that.


This was going to be hard. I was outside of Matt's house. Talking with Dad made me realize I should have done it way before.

Should I have given him heads up that I was coming? No, I was already here. You can't back out Ava.

I drew in a breath and decided to open the door, I bent down and reached out for the key. As I got closer to the door, I heard the faint hum of music. Was he home?

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