Chapter 18.

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The weather was getting chilly. I rubbed my hands together and rested my palms on my cheek for some warmth. I should start wearing warm clothes. Since no one was over here, I decided to do my homework on the bleachers. Well, it was a mistake.

"Hey, Carter," Zachary said, he looked happy, he might have a great weekend. Yeah, he must have enjoyed his time with that girl. I sighed.

"Hii" I proceeded with preparing for the next test. I was really spending more and more time doing studies instead of chilling with my friends.

Though I enjoy my time with him and half the time we spend ends up with us talking. I guess I should do it less.

"So... what's up?" He asked after a few silent minutes.

"Nothing...Just physics you know the usual." I shrugged off.

"I am certain you enjoyed the party," I said when there was utter silence and none of us spoke.

He scratched his neck and looked away. "Yeah, it was good."

"And who was scowling at that I thought." I taunted him.

"You were right. I had a good time."

"I told you."

"And what about that girl? You know you that kissed you. I noticed that you were together the whole time around her. Not that I care."  I tried to play it cool. Like it didn't matter to me. A part of me was still curious to know more about her.

"You mean Kate. It was nothing she was given a dare and she was a good dancer, so she was showing me some great dance moves, " he said as it was no big deal to him.

"Come on I know you enjoyed her company, do you like her? And don't please don't lie." I asked him curiously.

"No, I don't like her." He claimed.

"Why? She was friendly with you and-"

"Wait a minute. Why is it bother you so much? Is it my imagination or are you jealous." He stressed the word jealous. A clear look of amusement was there in his face.

"That's absurd, it's only in your imagination." He didn't look much convinced with my answer. But went along with it. 

I mean I had to make so much effort to be friends with him. And then there was this girl. It bothered me that in a small amount of time she would probably get much closer to him. I won't confess it to him that it bothers me though.

"You tell me, you are acting a bit strange for some time." He insisted.

"Zach it's nothing." I said." You know what? I think you should ask her on a date."

What are you doing Ava? Maybe this was the right thing to do. If he liked her and enjoyed her company so much might as well date her.

"What? Why would I? I don't even know her." He wondered, clearly not expecting I would suggest something like that.

"Exactly. Ask her on a date and get to know her. She seemed interested in you." I encouraged him.

"How could you know?" He asked still hesitant with my idea.

"Just believe me, okay?" He shook his head disapproving with it.

"Let me guess? You never had a girlfriend before."

"Yeah, I never had a girlfriend and I am not going to get one. At least not yet." He answered this time slightly frustrated

"Really Zach you never dated anyone? You might have a crush on someone, right." He denied and shook his head.

"Not even one girl?"

"Why are we even talking about this?" He asked a bit annoyed.

He never had any girlfriend. And he doesn't even want to date. If I think about it he is always around Trevor. Could it be possible that?

"Zach are you somehow not interested in girls ?" I asked and caught him by surprise.

He snorted and started to cough, desperately gasping for air. I reached for my water bottle in my backpack, opened it's cap and handed it to him.

He gulped down the water quickly when he emptied the bottle he said. "What makes you think that? For your information no, I am not. Not that I have anything against them. I have a distant uncle who's gay and he's the sweetest person I have ever met."

I found my question was ridiculous too, still it was good to be in clear. I was relieved he was into girls. See that's one of the reasons he should date someone. So I can stop getting this kind of thoughts.

"I won't force you but you should think about taking her out." I reminded him again. Would I regret the advice I gave him?


"Hii, Ava." Zach caught up to me while our way to for the English class.

"Hey, how are you doing?" I asked him

"I need to tell you something." He said looking at his feet. "'s-" he was cut short due to his phone ringing.

He unlocked his phone and read the message. After reading it he let out a hearty laugh. I wonder what it was.

"What's so amusing?" I mused.

He shook his head and showed me his phone. It was a lame dad joke. Geez, this person had a terrible sense of humour.

"Who's this." I glanced at the top of the screen and saw Kate's name.

"You are talking with Kate? Are you guys dating, already?" That was fast. It was only yesterday when I suggested it to him.

"Uh-huh, I wanted to tell you about that actually." He paused and reconsidered his words and thought for some time.

"Nevermind it's nothing." He smiled his fake smile.

"Now you are making me more curious. The look on your face is telling me otherwise." I said.

"I am not hiding anything. Umm...I wanted to tell you about Kate actually." I couldn't tell if he was lying or not so I dropped the topic.

"Tell me or rather not. I shouldn't be concerned about it, " I tried to play it cool. But I would really like to know more about this girl.

"Oh, you should be concerned though. It was your idea after all." My idea? Oh, the dating one. What a great idea Ava. You should be proud of yourself.

"I need to go to the washroom," I said and excused myself.

"But the lecture will start soon." He called out to me. But I didn't stop. I needed to get out of here.

On my way, I saw a couple having a heavy make-out session. Damn these people! Couldn't they take it elsewhere instead of in front of the freaking restroom? And this blonde looked familiar but I couldn't properly place it where I'd seen her.

I checked my makeup once again in the mirror. I looked as usual nothing different. I shouldn't feel this way. It's completely wrong. For God's sake, I have a boyfriend. And I wanted this, didn't I? Zach to date another person. Then why do I feel this way?

I looked at the mirror and saw a girl enter. Our eyes connected and she gave me a smile. She was the girl who was making out with a boy earlier.

I knew why she looked familiar. It was  Kate.

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