Chapter 11.

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"You should try these burger Ava. It's new on the menu." Rose was eating a beef burger and red sauce was dripping from her mouth.

It didn't look that appetizing to me.
"Er..sure," I said anyways.

This place was more crowded today. There were kids too. Mostly teenagers come over here so it was strange seeing them. They were running all over the place. Those little devils.

The door opened and I saw a person whose presence always manages to put my mood off. Claire. Just great.

She hadn't seen us yet and was ordering at the counter. Matt was there too. Holding a cola drink in his hand.

The next thing that happened seemed to be played in slow motion in front of me.

A kid bumped into Claire knocking her off balance while Matt turned around simultaneously and it led Claire to collide with Matt managing to spill all the drink on Matt's jacket.

She was trying to steady herself, and her heels were a little to no help, instead, another kid ran into her causing her to land on her butt.

The kids ran back to there mother. Jeez, their mother should tie up them or something. When she looked at me she shot me an apologetic expression.

Well, it must be hard to deal with those little urchins.

I heard Clara snort behind me.
"Hey, Emily you should videotape it, we don't get to see it every day." I heard her saying.

Zia bent beside her, Claire extended her hand to get up but instead of helping Claire she picked up the bag and started examining for any possible damages.

"Oh my god! Claire, this bag was a special edition from the auction held in Hong Kong, what if the cola spilled on it" Claire scowled at her.

I rushed towards Matt and saw that the cola managed to spoil his light blue jacket enough to have a huge patch of mud brown on the front.

Emma helped Claire to get up.

"I am so sorry Matt. I spilt the drink on your jacket."

"It's nothing I will get it cleaned." He said without looking at her.

"Give it to me I will clean it and return you back." She said in a sultry voice.

"He said he would take care of it, don't you understand." My voice directly intended to Claire. She scowled at me with pure hatred.

"I am going to clean up." Matt heads towards the washroom.

"Look Clair your compact is broken too," Emma said and picked up all the contents that spilt on the floor.

"Shut up Emma. I will buy a new one."I  wonder how she put up with this two. They sure were airheads. But sometimes fun too.

She turned her attention to me.
"Are you now jealous Ava that I touched your boyfriend. What are you five?" She laughed in her high pitched voice.

"I don't need to be jealous of you Claire," I emphasized on you.

"I trust Matt and even so he wouldn't have such low standards," I said and looked her up to head to toe.

"I don't know what he saw in you. Look at him. He could have anybody. But he is still dating you." She said and flipped her hair. "But you know what? he will come to his senses soon."

"Tsk..tsk... At least I am his girlfriend. But what do you get Claire he doesn't even spare you a second glance." I said.

"You are a bitch Ava." She fumed. Anger radiating through her brown eyes which was almost turned black.

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