Chapter 20.

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It sucks sitting outside the principal's office. And it's worse when you are sitting with your boyfriend, who won't admit why he knocked out a random kid.

"Matt I can't believe you picked up a fight with that poor boy, " I handed the ice pack back to him.

He sat in silence and didn't utter a single word since we got here. Actually, he was sitting here all along. I came here when I heard it from others.

"Matt talk to me," I pleaded. "What's wrong with you?" I frowned. Why was he picking up random fights now? I thought we were over that part. He was changed or at least was trying to change himself.

"Geez Ava, nothing's wrong with me. I don't have answers for all of your goddamn questions! Leave me alone," He fumed, anger raging through him. But when I looked at his eyes they told me something else. Something was really bothering him.

"I won't leave you until I know your reason." I couldn't leave him like this, he was my boyfriend after all. I still don't know for what reason he left the party early. Would he even tell me?

After a few minutes of silence, he said. "I am sorry, it's something to do with my uncle." he apologized without looking me in the eyes.

He lived with his uncle. It was because his parents died in an accident when he was sixteen. His uncle became his legal guardian. And I knew things weren't good between them. 

"My uncle wanted to invest in some business and he wanted to sell the apartment." He said.

"The apartment in New York?" Before moving here he used to stay in New York.

He nodded, "You know that place holds so many memories for me, I grew up there. I was even thinking to shift there in future and now he wants to sell it, " he bumped his bruised knuckles together, grief evident in his voice.

I know how much his parents meant to him. That place was the only essence left of his parents. Though I feel beating up a student was extreme, I didn't say anything.

"I am so sorry Matt, I wish I could do something, " I really wanted to help him. But what can us teenagers do in matters like this?

"Don't be, it's not your fault, " he looked up and huffed out.

"Is this the reason you left early from the party?" I asked him.

He nodded, "I didn't want to bother you, so I asked Rose to tell you." His words stung me. I wish he told me about his problem. That's what people are supposed to do in a relationship, right? Share each other's grief and joy.

I knew I shouldn't bring this topic back, but I couldn't help myself.

"Matt I know we have talked about this, but I still think you should see a therapist. It is for your own good." I was pretty much aware of what his answer might be.

"And I have told you a hundred times. I don't want to see a shrink. I don't need one." That same old answer.

"It will help-"

"Help me what? Help me relieve my stress, my burden? Come in terms with my problems? I've heard you say that a hundred time." He sounded irritated. "My answer is still the same, I don't need anyone for my issues. Please understand it loud and clear." 

"Why don't you understand? It's for your own benefit," I almost yelled, he didn't say anything and I didn't argue further, it wouldn't do any good to either of us. I couldn't keep up with his behaviour. If only he would listen to me. I was really worried about him.

"You know extremely well that if our principal decides to suspend you.
it might affect your future." I reminded him.

"Ava relax, he isn't like Mrs Rodger. He will take it easy and let me off." He got back to his usual self. Like our talk never happened, it was annoying but I didn't push it.

Indecisive HeartDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora