Chapter 5.

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I woke up in the morning with a terrible headache. I checked my phone in case I had some important messages. One unknown no. caught my eye.

Unknown no. : you didn't forget about meeting today for our assignment did you? -9:46 am

Unknown no. : At least text me if you will come or not so I don't waste my time. -10:53 am

Unknown no. : ???

Ugh, it's Zachary! Shit! Shit! Shit!  It slipped out of my mind. How could I forget about it? My headache had gotten worse. It's like my head was split into two halves.

Me: of course not, I will be there at 12 ;)

I messaged him. I couldn't cancel it. He would think I was too careless about our assignment and wasn't taking it seriously. I don't want him to get any more negative thoughts about me than he already has.

I should have refrained from getting too drunk. I checked the time it was quarter to eleven.

I hurriedly go to the bathroom needing to puke. Shit! I will never drink again. Whom was I kidding? Of course, I would. But I needed to be more careful.

I tried to remember if I did anything stupid last night. But I only came up with a vague memory of talking to someone.

I looked in the mirror and it took my brain a minute to register my face. My eyes were bloodshot red, my hair appeared dishevelled while my face looked slightly puffier.

It's been quite some time since I had been completely wasted. Usually, I only have two to three drinks but yesterday after Matt texted me I was annoyed and didn't care about the consequences.

I took a quick skin burning shower. It helped with my hangover. After a shower, I threw on some shorts and a tee-shirt. And put on some makeup though it did little to no help to hide my hangover face.

I headed to the kitchen and heard my mother's voice.

"You should eat veggies too, Scar. How many times do I have to tell you?" My mom sounded irritated. She was adding more celery on Scar's plate.

"Mommy, but I don't like celery." She said, nibbling on the eggs. My mom was very serious when it came to food. She never let us leave without having our breakfast. She believed in the motto that 'healthy food is the key to a healthy lifestyle.'

"Good morning, guys," I said, sitting on the table and clenching my throbbing head in my hands.

I helped myself to breakfast. Luckily, my mom didn't ask me about last night as she was busy with Scarlet. I wasn't worried about that, I informed her about the party.

"Listen, Ava, make sure to take two aspirins from my room. I know you drank  last night." I heard my name being called when I was heading towards the stairs.

I guess you could never hide anything from your mother. "Thanks." I mouthed and took the medicine from my mom's room.

It was almost 12. I would definitely reach late. I grabbed my bag shoving English books and the other materials required and headed for the cafe. I didn't take my car as it would be more time-consuming. The cafe was 15 minutes from my house. I speed walked and reached there. "Almost on time," I muttered to myself.

I looked for Zachary and noticed him sitting in the last booth. When I reached the booth, I saw he was reading a novel. Before I could read the name, he noticed me and quickly put it back in his bag.

It made me more curious. What was he reading? That he had to put it away from my sight so fast.

"What were you reading?" I asked him eagerly but my voice sounded hoarse. Probably due to the consumption of alcohol I have a sore throat. Great.

"Nothing, just a book," he said. He sipped on his chocolate milkshake.

I took the seat in front  of him."It wasn't anything. Clearly, it was some kind of novel." I said brightly, hoping he would tell me.

"You are late, you know." He swiftly changed the subject.

"Sorry, I woke up late." I apologized to him. I looked at my watch and noticed that it's only 12:07, I am not that late.

Anyways, he didn't say anything and said we should start to do our assignment.

"Did you choose any poem" I took out my English book and started to open it.

"Here." he passed me a book with a poem written on it.

It read 'the Raven' by Edgar Allen Poe.
"I should have guessed you would pick up a poem like this," I said, with a smirk. "If you want, we can choose something else."

"No, it's fine with me but next time I will pick a poem."

"Fine, let's start by reading it first. have you ever read a poem?" Was he mocking me now?

"Absolutely I have, what makes you say that?" I asked, crossing my arms, feeling a little defensive that he judged me this soon.

"Nothing," he said, with a shrug.
"I just didn't peg you for a person to be reading a poem and decoding it's meaning."

"You don't have to be a genius to read a poem and besides, you can just be amazed at how it is written and not always decipher what it means."

" can put it that way," he said, considering my answer.

"You surely have many misconceptions about me, Mr Brook." I teased him.

"I barely know you, but I just thought you wouldn't have much time from partying and all." It hurt me when he said it that way. But I didn't let it show.

Surely I wasn't a student with the top scores. But I did well in my academics. I always manage to get good marks in maths. This year I was starting to put more effort into my studies.

"Let's read the poem and write down what we can understand," I said, and started to read.

I tried to read but the words started to blur in front of me. Time passed by and I was feeling unsteady again. Maybe I should have cancelled our plan today.

"You alright Carter?" Zachary asked with a concerned look on his face.

"Yes, just a bit of a headache," I said, massaging my forehead.

"You shouldn't have drunk too much last night." I looked at him wondering how he knew, then it clicked me. Last night's conversation played in my mind. I was talking with Trevor, his friend. He must have told him about me. I wonder how much Zachary knew.

"Trevor told me about you yesterday. When I  picked him from the party. He was very drunk and he was babbling something about you, I figured you would be there too."

"Yeah I had a couple of drinks," I said, with a nervous laugh. So Trevor's ride was Zachary.

"You know we can stop here. If you want we can continue later."

"No, I am fine." I insisted.

He closed his book and packed his bag. I sat there dumbstruck not knowing what he was up to.

"I know a place that has a perfect cure for your hangover."

"Come on, pack your things fast, it's a bit far from here." He was walking towards the door. What's up with him today he seems really friendly.

I didn't want to miss a chance like this, where we could bond. So I quickly packed my bag and we both headed out of the cafe.

When I followed him to the parking lot he took me to his car. It was a Chevrolet Cruze black in colour. He opened the passenger door for me and I sat inside wondering where he was going to take me.


A/N hola! I hope you guys are doing great!

Where is Zachary taking Ava? What do you think?

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