Chapter 6.

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Zachary took his place in the driver's seat and I made myself comfortable in his car.

"Where are you taking me, Zachary," I said, with a glint of playfulness in my eyes.

He looked ahead." You will see soon." A small smile playing on his lips. I had barely seen him smiling. It looked good on him. I guess Trevor wasn't wrong about Zachary taking time to open up to people.

"You aren't going to murder me and dump me into some river, are you?" I looked at the backseat and under the seat to look for any sign of a weapon.

"Do you think I will hide my gun in an obvious place?" He said, in a cold voice. Chills ran through my spine hearing his deep voice.

I sat on my seat completely dumbstruck. Then suddenly he started to laugh hysterically. "Oh my, you should have looked at your face." His broad shoulders shook while laughing and I found myself doing the same.

"That wasn't funny Zachary Brooks." But I was not annoyed at him. It was the first time I have seen him laugh. It was quite alluring.

"Why do you always stare at me like that Carter." It might be because you looked like a complex human to me. And somehow I couldn't help myself but get to know more about you. I didn't say that aloud though.

Damn, I was busted again. I tried to hide my face which I am sure was red. I turned on the radio to distract him and possibly myself.

He raised one of his eyebrows at me.

"I wanted to hear some music," I said, with a shrug.

🎶 you are dancing with her, while I am staring at my phone
Stone cold, stone cold
I was your amber, but now she's your shade of gold. 🎶

Stone Cold by Demi Lovato started to play, I sang along the song. I was not a good singer. But still, whenever I heard songs I loved, I couldn't help but sing along

Though people always said to me I should stick to only dancing. I loved dancing but singing gave me pleasure too. So most of the time I stuck with bathroom singing and sometimes in front of my friends, but it was mostly when I was drunk. Today I felt like singing.

"Has somebody advised you not to sing in public?" He asked me, a scowl etched on his face. But I continued to sing without paying him any attention.

"Stop Carter, you are gonna make my ears bleed." Zachary snickered.

"Well, I am aware of that." I  stopped singing.

A few minutes later, Zachary started to sing 'Sign of the times' playing on the radio.

Wow! I was amazed by his singing. He was so good. I could hear that voice singing every day.

"Not everyone can sing like you, you know." I reminded him.

"Is this a compliment?" he smirked.


The next song started and we started to sing together.

After singing so much my throat was parched. Ugh! It's hurting.

"Just wait for five minutes, we are almost there," Zach said.

We finally reached there. It took us almost 40 minutes.

I took notice of the surroundings. There were not many houses built. And the area was mostly surrounded by woods. It looked like people skipped this part of the town. I was suddenly thinking if this all was a prank. And I fell for it. You are such a fool, Ava.

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