Chapter 9.

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Rose leaned on the locker behind her in frustration and said, "Your phone is constantly ringing, just pick it up and get over it."

"I don't want to! Rose." I put all of my belongings in my locker and slammed the door shut.

"You and I both know that you can't go long enough without talking to him." After Sunday, Matt had been repeatedly calling me and leaving voice mails, but I didn't check any of his messages and emails.

Today I even skipped going to the cafeteria for the break, because I didn't wanted to face him.

"Rose, you know this time, it was his mistake and he should realize it," I said.
"And it's not about ego. I am his girlfriend and if he cares, he should apologize."

I'm really mad at Matt. Every time I can't be the only one who has to understand in our relationship. He has to realize that.

When I reached my car I noticed a bouquet of flowers sitting on top of it.

I raised my eyebrows at Rose "What is that?" She just shrugged. "I don't know."

I picked it up and find a note.

I am sorry Ava.

This bouquet is for letting you know,

That I acknowledge what I did was wrong.

They were yellow lilies. I didn't even like lilies, but thinking about that he went out of his way to buy this for me softened my heart a little.

When I lifted my head, I saw Matt coming towards me. He embraced me in a hug. "I am so sorry babe, you know that I love you." He sounded regretful.

"But that doesn't justify your actions, Matt." I pulled away from his embrace.

"Let me make up to you. Let's get an ice-cream and then later we will watch your favourite movie at my house," he said, hopefully.

An ice-cream can always lift a bad mood and Matt looked sincerely sorry. Should I let it slip away this time? I thought for some time and realised that maybe this time I should let it go.

Sometimes, I don't get it how could people see him as an arrogant, rude, rich boy, but maybe his soft spot is reserved only for me. Thinking about it made me feel giddy.

"Okay. And you know that I Love You too."

He grabbed my face and leans on to kiss me placing his hands on my waist.

"Get a room, you too." I forget that Rose was even here. Matt and I laughed at that.


"Ava and Zachary may I have a word with you." Mr Smith called out.

To my surprise, Zachary and I share our physics classes too, I found out that two weeks earlier.

I look for Zachary and saw that he was looking in my direction. I gave him a puzzled look, but he shrugged his shoulder indicating even he doesn't know.

Our physics class ended and I was eagerly waiting to get out but now Mr Smith was calling me. Damn it.

"Why is he calling you?" Ryan asked me.

"I don't know." I was going to ask him if he would wait for me.

"You know what, I am damn hungry. I am going to the cafeteria." He said, rubbing his stomach.

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