chapter 1

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I was walking down the road when I saw him parking his car. A smile spread on my face, I walk faster to catch him. I thought about having coffee together, maybe he is free. It's almost lunchtime, right.

Just when I was about to call him, I saw a woman getting out of his car, wearing a tight red dress and looking at him with lust pure lust or maybe love?

He opened the door for her and pulled her out. He smashed his lips on her.

For the longest 10 minutes, I watched their makeout session with tears.

What have I done to deserve this?

He pulled away to take a breath and kiss her neck hard. He put a hickey on her neck and smirked. He said something in her ears by which she blushed, she smacked his chest playfully and wrap her hand around him.

He didn't see me across the road. He was so into her that he didn't see me holding a light pole for support. I cried the entire time but he was not here to hold me.

They both entered the cafe hand in hand. Not once did he take a glance in my way.

I watched them from distance. He got her coffee and my favourite dessert. He licked the leftover from her lips just like he did for me.

People stare at me crying on the road. But no one consoled me. They looked at me with pity and disgust.

I ran away just when he moved beside her chair.

Not anymore, I couldn't see them together.

He promised me he will love me till the end. We have been together for two years. Maybe I am not making him happy, anymore.

Did he lose the love for me?

Am I not satisfying him enough. Now he has to go and get his full from another woman.

Not only that woman let's just say, my cousin.

I knew she liked him. But they never once get along in front of me. They fought like cat and mouse.

Now, why am I feeling like I'm the other woman?

Am I in illusion.

Hello, I am Allina, wife of a cheater.

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