Chapter 13

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Let me lay down for a bit and never wakes up
So you could stay with her
I promise i will not cut


Target- 50 votes and 40 comment

Man pov

She must have put the letter somewhere safe. He walk to the guest room and open the closet what he find shocked him. There are letters but beside that there is a picture of him and her. One picture where he is holding the bags for her - She knows

“Fuck" he scream. 

She knows. His breath hitch and he grab the closet door for support. The tear left his eyes before he could stop them. She knows all along, i betray my wife and she knows it.

She fucking knows, that’s why she left me, he thought. His heart hurts and loud wails echoed in the room. I have hurt her so much. She saw me with her. I destroyed everything, she left me. Gone. She hates me.

But i will search her. I will ask for forgiveness even if i have to fall down on my knees, I’ll beg. God why am i so fucked up.

Why did i get involve with her. I harm my wife, i destroyed the trust, we took oath in front of God. I vow to love her till death apart us. Now my sin cause it.


With shaking hands he pick her picture and glare at that. He curse himself and her. He throw the picture and pick the letter. There are ten letters. All letter are named “my lover". But wait.

There is one “my baby".
He open the letter and start reading..

Letter 1

Hey my lover,

It’s  been so long since we talk. Do you remember how much we use to be in love. How much you like to talk to me. How much you find me beautiful and now its like you find me invisible in your big house. Anyways let me tell you a story my lover-

Once upon a time there was an orphan girl who got married to a handsome man. She loves him dearly, he loves her too.
His love was like a rain, it fell on her in start but later it moved to the next place. Just like my lover, you move to the next place. I don’t know where i went wrong but i hope you are happy now. If you are reading this my lover then i am sorry to waste so much of your time and waste your love. I wish you the best and hope you find your happiness in her.

Your wife

He cry and sit down on the bed. And open the second letter..

Letter 2

Hey my lover,

Its been long so i love you Jason. I know i don't say this anymore but i do love you. Your betrayal never fade my love for you but it did harm me. You know my lover, i wanted to leave you for her, i wanted to kill myself so you could be with her. But i couldn't, you see i love you so much that i couldn't kill my self or leave you for her. I know i took your two years for myself doesn't  matter to me that in these two years you were with her. In these two years i try to take back from her. I try everything in my power to take your mind on me- i cook, i wait till midnight to have dinner with you, i dress just for you, i wait and wait for you to look at me. But i guess you set your mind. Its her you want.

Your wife


Letter 3

Hey lover,

Its me again. What did i do my lover? i just asked you where you have been, its been half past 4 of night my lover. Why can't i know where you have been, i know we dont behave like husband and wife anymore. But the marriage certificate says I'm your wife, nt anymore. I hope you have signed the paper and submit that as well. Now you are free you can live as you want, if we are divorced my lover then don't  read my letter from now on. I have no say in your life now, i dont want a stranger to read my letter. So stranger throw the letter out in bin and live your life happily ever after. But if we are still married, my lover please sign the paper. I want you to get yourself off my clutches. I don't want you anymore my lover, just sign the paper and live your life.

Your ex-wife


"No no no ex wife you are still my wife. Do you hear me mine and mine alone. I will never sign the paper you will never leave me. See this i tear the paper the first time i got my hand on it. You see baby you are mine forever. Her doesn't  mean anything to me baby. I am sorry baby, i hurt you."

I'm  sorry

Baby come back

Baby hurt me if you want but please come back.

He drink from the bottle and keep repeating..

I'm sorry

I'm sorry baby

I'm sorry

It hurts

I'm  sorry

I'm s-orry , he slurred and fall on bed in sleep. The nightmare he was trying to forget since she left come back again...


A/N- Thankyou for reading. I will update once the target is completed.

Since then i want to say thankyou to my readers for commenting and voting. Just know i read every comment you write and feel astonished to know you guys are liking my book.

Do comment and vote.

Its late for an update i know but sorry guys i have been busy. I will update as fast as i can.

Quick ques- what you guys like more cold(winter) or rain?
And do tell why.


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