chapter 4

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Letter 3

Hey to who ever is reading this letter,

I have to go to therapist three times a week now.

He didn't come back, it's been two weeks. We never fought its just we both are living like roomates nor a husband and wife. why don't you kiss me anymore Jason.

No goodbye kisses
No good morning
No welcome back hug
No one to console when i cry

My therapist told me that it's ok to cry for the loss and told me to stop cutting myself. But how can i.
I told him all the things.

I can't take this anymore. Two months have gone my lover and i miss my baby.
I sometime caress my stomach trying to feel it. But all i feel bones and emptiness. My stonach is flat now,the place where my baby should be is empty. I can feel my ribs sticking out But not my baby.

Whenever he came back to his house, he go straight to his bedroom to freshen up. We eat dinner like strangers. There isn't a sound in the house,no more talking.
I think the last time we talk would be when i ask him about her.

And then he call me crazy for doubting him. He told me he loves me and there is no one in his life. That day we had sex. he treat me with love in bed but then her called.

He excused himself to talk to her. And he never came back. He went out at night to be with her and told me that their is an emergency in office. He gave me a peck on forehead and left.

I threw the food and went back to bed empty stomach. I slept on my baby's room, which is his guest room. We don't have the baby room in our house because i never told him i was pregnant. I made the guest room my baby's room. He didn't notice that i have shifted my clothes and important stuff in my baby's room.

When he was their in his house, we sleep on his bed. But at midnight i sleep with my baby on his/her(the baby's) bed.

I took care of my baby in dreams. My baby makes me happy. Its laugh makes me laugh. Its cry breaks my soul.

And baby mama is coming to you.

Your wife

Another update good right?
Do Tell me what you thought about this chapter...would love to hear from my lovely readers.

A/n: we are strong we can take pain and you are not alone.But it's not ok to cut ourself or harm ourself in anyway. I think who have this urge like Alina should talk to someone. It can be your friend, family or you can talk to me. Harming one will be a reminder which will give you more pain, so talk if you are sad.
Talk if you are lonely.
But don't harm yourself or anyone.
Stay safe and stay happy


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