Chapter 14

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A/N- Just a small recap to catch up for my lovely readers.

•5 month gone since she lost the baby

•she left just the starting of their 4th year of marriage

•4 year long marriage- 2 year gone in happiness then he start cheating. She lost baby in 4th year

•2 month gone watching clips

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Man Pov

Two months twelve hours and five minutes has gone since she left me. My life,the one who hold the balance is not here. Thoughts after thoughts are going on my mind..

" i want to go out tonight Jason i feel suffocated in here alone?"Allina said sitting on her chair in dinning.

"Not tonight, i have an important meeting with a board person" He said looking at her, wanting a reaction out of her but she keep looking down at her plate.
Its been weeks she has stop reacting to him, she always look in pain and face doesn't look bright anyomre, he thought.

"Ok" she whispers

Its been half an hour they have been eating breakfast, no one talk. he keep looking at his wife, but her eyes are like glued to nothing but at her plate. Her eyes hold sorrow and pain which he doesn't know or couldn't understand.

He gets up from his chair and went to his room. She pick the dishes and went to clean them. Still walking like a zombie, she sit back at her chair. He went to his office out of the door not even once glancing at her. Still mouring at her child's death she went to her baby room and sit on bed.

Jason went back to the house to get back his wallet. He went to his room but stopped when he heard sniffing. He twist the nob of the door and peak inside. He saw her painting the wall sniffing with a smile. How much he miss her smile, her smile looking at him. He wanted to spend the night with her BUT

Her is waiting for him, she told him if he didn't come to meet her she will tell Allina everything. I don't know why Allina is crying, how much i want to hold her.

A loud sob tore his train of thoughts and he see her holding the envelope crying..

He wake up jolted from the dream and screamed " Don't cry baby".

He got up fast and run to the guest room to find her. No one-still no one. Where are you baby?

For hours, He keep looking at the ceiling.

Allina's face is still roaming in my mind, her pale face when i shout at her. Allina's cry at the middle of night is still there.

He went to the bathroom to wash his face. "What is this?" He said to himself  in confusion.

He went near the bucket and found a half black and white colour cloth. Its her wedding glown.

He took the dress out fast and hold it above the bathtub.

"Why is it black? Who the fuck did this?"he screamed loudly, seething with anger,he rush to the sink to clean the dress.

"I will punish the person baby, how dare they destroy your dress" he said in anger.

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