Chapter 25

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Man's Pov

Julie told him how they find her. He listened to each and every word like a man with no strength.

" she was floating on the water like she is swimming with her eyes closed. A small smile on face.
She looked just like a doll of glass, one touch and she breaks. So white like no blood in her body.
There was frozen blood on her thighs, doctor said she must have cut her thighs in depression before jumpong off.

And there was this little picture of yours in her necklace. She must have thrown it, we found it in bushes."

His body stopped working when he get to know her pain.
She was ra.. he can't even say the word without breaking down sobbing.
He cried so many hours after hearing that. His shallow breath told every person in room how much its hurting him. The bags under his eyes tells everyone the pain and guilt he is holding but no one came to put him at ease.

Except Xana who was now bouncing with others kids in the backyard of the orphanage.

Every then and now his eyes look for Xana like he is also protecting her from soemthing bad. But he knows the bad is already gone so is his true soul mate. The guilt of cheating on his wife is so painful that whenever a memory of her struck, he would do just same- cut his thigh, his arm, his palm.

He get the letter out of his pocket and opended it. It is for their baby shw wrote it in their home. The last letter of 10 letters..

My baby

Hey my baby, i love you. You don't know how much i have wiated for you. The time when i get to know that i have you in me the best present i can ever ask the God. But you see my baby it came with a price, my bad life took you away.

I gave you up(tears on letter). I lost you when i didn't even know you are coming for me. I was so careless that i killied you.

But see my little child, i was weak. A weak woman with hollow heart. Your father didn't love me anymore, i think he never did. He loved someone more pretty, more suitable, more carefull than me.

But he do loves you. He loves you with his whole heart. I am sorry i never told him about you. But how could i, he wasn't there for me when I lost you I use every hope I have ever had. Just like the last night when we left for her. I maid my mind that I will leave, but i will not leave him in dark. I left a letter my child, a letter for him to know about you.

I don't know what i want. A girl or a boy. I will be happy with either, just one time. I want to hold you in my arms. Embrace you till this bad memory of blood running down my legs fade away. Give a glimpse of you my baby. I want to see you. Feel you in me again, for once please.

I don't hold any grudges my baby. what your father did has been forgiven. With this last letter i forgive him. Yes Jason i forgive you, for the skae of my baby. I forgive you.

I wish you the best. My heart will always beat for my baby and you.

I will pray you the happiness you deserved with her. Tell her i am not angry anymore. What she did is past now.

With the divroce paper signed i give her you.

This is my goodbye. I hope i will not see you again. I have seen wnough in this life time. I am leaving this house with good memories.

And for my little baby, you know i will come.

Your Mama


Not a single voice came out of Jason after reading the letter. He felt like his throat is blocked.

He looked up with tear streaming down his face to Julie. Who is holding now little Xana.

"Are goin" Xana asked Jason.

Jason shaked him head and asked Julie to let him hold Xana for once. Little Xana pushed her hands and wrapped it around Jason's neck.

She felt like she is holding her mama. She whispered 'Mama'

And the next minute she was asleep in Jason's arms. Jason rocked her until his heart stopped hurting.
Breathing become impossible for him, the night she went through played in his mind.

An hour went Jason keep thinking.

After the hour, he gave Xana to Julie and moved out to see her grave once again. Thomas still sitting with his tea cup in hand was reading loudly. Like telling her story.

Hearing the voice of shoes scrapping the ground, Thomas turned to see who has come.
He looked at the empty man with pity. He wanted to beat the shit of him but the way he is now, with misery makes him leave him.
Thomas went back to his story and finished the last page with dramatic sound..

'Dun dun dun and then the man hold out his hand for the lady. The lady picked her sword,the one she was hiding under her gown. And i will tel you in the next meet of our. I promise you my darling(his wife) and my child(Allina) that i will clean the house but you have to understand dears. This poor old man can't work so much, his old bomes can only do cha cha cha(winked at her grave).' Thomas chuckled and say his goodbye to his wife by looking up at the sky and for Allina by kissing her grave.

"I wanted to hurt you so bad. But i knwo she didn't like it. For her i am doing nothing remember that. This is the last time i am seeing you. This is the last time you are seeing her. Say your goodbye and leave. I dint want to hear you beg because that wouldn't work on me.

'Ten minutes, thats all i am giving you. I am going to get the keeper( Graveyard keeper).' Thomas rolled his wheelchair to the keeper's small cabin.

Jason nodded his head and sat beside her grave.
For the ten minutes, he sat. He didn't utter a word. He keep looking at her in longingness.

When Thomas came Jason get up and tha ked him for letting him stay at his house. Jason thanked him for taking care of his wife. After that he went out of the graveyard.

The night fell, for four hours he sat outside the graveyard hiding from everyone. Aftrr thomas left he stayed there in his car which was a block away.

All the memories of his with Allina flashed in his eyes and he made his mind. He started the car to his new destination of hell. His personal hell. His home without her.

A sudden car came from the left and honked three times. Jason mind was away from there so he went on.

The man inside the acr tried to stop the carsh but failed miserably after the break falling. The car crashed Jason's car and he rolled on road.

His head hit the side window hard and he faint with Allina's thoight still in mind. His eyes showed him that she is calling him. The man tried to help Jaosn but he pushed him away.  He tried to grab Allina but she was a memory so how could he hold her.

The man took the phone out of Jason's car and fialed the last number. Luckly the number was Simon's.
He narrated the accident and told him the hospital name.

Simon rushed to his car in his pyjamas. Ruby wrapped the robe on herself and went out to see her son.
She called Noah (her daughter) and informed her too.

Jason woke up in the hospital with  her by his side. Wrapped in a blanket holding her large stomach,leaning on his bed. Simon was sitting on the big couch, in his arms sleep Noah and Ruby.

Jason called Ruby out waking everyone  in the room

'Mom where is Allina?'

Apologise for the late update.
the next chapter will be updated tomorrow. As an apology but this one is a thankyou for waiting so long.

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