Chapter 10

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1st clip

Clip starts with Allina dance all over the kitchen in her pyjamas. She prepared coffee and put a song on. She twerk on the chair and move around the house with no care. A smile never leave her face as she dance and sing in her home.
She water the plant and make the coffee. When the song ends she took the mugs and turn to find Jason smiling & leaning on wall, watching his beautiful wife dancing, laughing and enjoying herself. That scene, that is the best thing in the morning to watch. Her dancing, her beautiful laugh echoes in their home like a melody.

He watch the the clip holding the chair for support. Why doesn't she laugh like that nowdays. Whenever he was home, he always find her on table watching the wall for hours. Whenever he ask what was she thinking she just give him a fake smile and say nothing.

2nd clip

She is talkin to her roses, telling them how much she love them but not more than her husband.
When the night came, Jason enter the house only to be tackled by a force. Allina jump on his arm and give him a long kiss, she told him she missed him alot. Jason wrap his arm around his wife and find his tiredness gone. His wife is like a bottle of water in desert. Her love can be shown in her eyes and the way she is wrapped on him like koala baby. God my woman is damn cute.
Jason tighten his arm and took her to the couch, they sit together and tell each other how their day went. His wife's face glow when she told him about the new row of roses that she planted in the garden....
They talk till the midnight and Jason find himself happy and at peace..

Why doesnt she greet me like that?
8th clip

A beautiful Allina preparingg a cake for his success. After his dad hand over the company to him, this is the fist time he done something so big. He finally get the hotel he was counting on. The owner was stuck up, he didn't want to sell it. But her make the owner sign the deal.
She preapre his favourite dinner and dress in his favourite colour.
Jasom walk inside the house happily and call for his wife..


"Yeah" her head comes out of the kitchen. And Jason runs to her and smack his lips to her. He scoop her in arms and kiss her passionately.

"Oh baby do you know what happened?"

"I have a few guess" she said

"Oh yeah! Do tell" with each word he peck her lips and move his hand to her waist to her butt.

"Let's see. A handsome man get a new car?" She put her finger on chin thinking.

"No baby try again" Jason snuggle on her chest and pick her up.

"Hmmm... i got it. You got promotion" She wrap her legs on his waist and smile down at her husband, who is looking at her hopelessly.

"No baby, how can i get the promotion, i am the boss." He shake his head and took her to the couch.

"You got me puppy" her eyes sparkles

"No no puppy. Babe i got the hotel" he said on her neck and peck her there.

"Whatttt" she scream and rain kisses on his face

Jason laugh at her and stop her attack by smashing his lips on her. He kiss her with love, he kiss her with happiness....

They celebrate together and she surprised him with cake.
They spend the evening talking and making love....

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