chapter 11

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A/N- i want to say thankyou to all my reader for commenting and voting.. and to those who readers only ,thankyou for reading my book but please don't be a silent reader just a vote or comment will motivate me to write more...

Target- 35 votes and 20 comments for the next update

Man Pov

Jason watch her with horror when Allina faints..

“No no no... baby get up baby, baby please “ he pleads looking at the screen. His heart break seeing her in blood. He sit there in chair watching her in blood and cry loudly.

After an hour, another Scream tore the silence and Allina wakes up holding her stomach.
She thrash on floor and scream for help.

"Why god what did i do to deserve so much pain" Allina screams looking up, tear streaming down her face.

She try to get up holding the leg of chair. She gets up and moves to the couch and lay on it. She cried in pain for an hour. Jason cry with her holding the screen in hand. His loud sob tore the silence of his house.

She cry silently and her eyes gets heavy. She fainted again on the couch and the blood coloured the white couch in red.

The continues flow of blood out of Allina makes him dizzy and he shut the clip in pain. His head hurts and he slides down from the chair to the floor.

The thought of loosing her make him kill himself but he couldn’t. He has to find his wife that thought is keeping him alive and in pain.

His eyes fell on a red envelope placed on the top shelf of books. He open the envelope...


Hey lover,

I Want you to read my letters, please don’t watch the camera clips it’s not worth it. I am not worth it.
I am sorry for wasting your time and keeping you unhappy.

Anyways i am not going to put salt on pain. So i have transferred all my property in your name. My car, my penthouse and the countryside properties all is in your name now. I forgive you Jason, i hope now you are happy. Now everything i own is yours. Even my life..

P.s was her worth it?

Yours wife



Why she doesn't want me to watch the clips. Who the fuck is "her"? Why is she keep talking about some her?

He gets up fast and starts the clip again.....

Lily opens the door in hurry and calls out...

" Allina, Alllinaaaaa, dear" she shout and shout but no voice came back. She turned and saw Allina on couch with blood all over her.
She pick the phone and

"Sir, sir its Mrs Lily Mathews.  Sir i want you to com-..."

"What the hell. Mrs. Mathews. Have you seen the time? You are fired so don't call me at this time. Will talk to you in the morning" The speaker hung up on Lily.

Lily cry looking at her phone and Allina. She again call her sir but the call goes to voice mail.
With the worry of the poor child Allina, she is like a daughter to her. She called 911 and told them to hurry.

Jason watch in shock, never in his mind came that maybe Mrs. Mathews were calling him for his wife.

Cops, emt and paramedics came in the house running and took her with Lily.

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