Chapter 24

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Third person Pov


Allina came out running in the backyard to see Xana trying to take her koala bear out of Thomas’s grip. Who has a mischievous smile and was grinning like a goon.

Mama tell grandpa its Xana” Xana screamed.

Thomas was teasing her that it was his koala bear. And he pretended that the bear was also agreeing with him by moving his head. He took the koala bear on his lap and moved his head like a nod, agreeing to it. Xanna being fed with his teasing start stomping her little feet on ground and start calling Allina.

Allina was in the kitchen with a beautiful smile on her face. Its been two weeks ,the little girl has lightened their life as well their home. Her laugh rings like a bell, just like bell rings in Christmas.

Thomas loves to tease her, he is the fun grandpaa. Always teasing her spoiling her behind Allina’s back. Giving her Candies when Allina wasn’t looking. But little they know she was always watching them.

“Maaaamaaa, maaaamaaa tell grandpa stop" Xana put her hands on hip and gave Thomas her famous cute glare. She tried to give him the scary eyes but eyes keep blinking. She huffed and stomped to Allina, who is now sitting on a chair .

Grandpa meany" She sulked in Allina’s lap. And start acting like she is crying, little Xana know that Grandpa doesn’t like when she cry

"Oh baby I’m sorry. Please don’t cry" Thomas push his wheelchair and came near them. Allina smile at their fondness to each other.Thomas put his hand over Xana head and whispered something. Her head swap to his direction so fast and she jumped by his wheelchair. Allina knowing what he must have said shaked her head. That old man is spoiling her Oh lord, she is going to get so much cavities.

Xana waved her hand and went with Thomas inside the house to get some of her special cake that Allina made and hid to secure it for dinner. Allina always hide the sweets because of the two thieves, they must have a dog nose because they would smell the chocolate from far away.

A flash went in front of her and her throat constructed in fear. Nights has gone, but not even a day went without his thought. Without her living the nightmare ever night. The loss of her child wasnt the only nightmare in her mind any more.

She went inside only to find both the thieves stuffing their mouth and face with choclate cake and chocolate syrup. Thomas gave little Xana a tiny bit which she happy ate and he took his slice on a plate. Allina watched them for a minute then made herself known.

“You ready to leave baby” She asked with a forced smile. She knows she can’t let her stay with them any longer. She isn’t in her right mind, the nightmare are killing her. She doesn’t want to take Xana down with her.

Y-yeah" a little whisper replied

Thomas with heavy heart cleanrd her face with wipes and took her in bathroom to help her wash her hands. Xana tried Thomas to let her stay in with them but Thokas with a stone face kept washing her hands. He took the crying girl on his lap and moved his wheelchair back in living room.

They leave for the orphanage where all the kids came out running ti meet Xana after a month. Older boys shake hands with Thomas while nodding and saying thankyou to Allina. Girls of all age hug the little Xana in a group  and Ask Allina to join them.

Allina embrace all of them taking the older boys in too. She felt the peace is so long to crave. She closed her eyes, a boy put his small hand behind her neck and she pushed all the kids off with a scream. Stratling every kid she watched them holding each others hand. She calmed herself thibking it wasn't the homeless man who touched her now but a small boy. He apologised for scaring her which teared her up. She hugged the boy close and told him it was fine.

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