chapter ix

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SIERRA WOKE TO SCREAMING AND PERCY JACKSON WITH A WILD LOOK IN HIS EYES. She couldn't decide which was more surprising and furthermore which she wanted to comment on first. The screaming woke her, Percy slamming her door inwards was what had her jumping out of bed.

"We're here," he said, a little breathless, "we're in the sea of monsters, and your sister is about to kill us." That had her up and moving, she jumped out of the bed, snatching up the spear beside her bed and charged past Percy out the doors.

Sierra couldn't pinpoint exactly when she had become the reasonable of the two famously violent Ares daughters, but Percy certainly seemed to think so.

"Lady Clarisse," the captain was shouting when the two of them joined the crew on deck. Andy ran over to Percy and began talking about how she couldn't control the water but Sierra was more focussed on the next words from the captain's ghostly maw. "Starboard and forward guns are in range!" He said.

Before Sierra could tell her sister that planning to fire a cannonball down Charybdis' gullet was both futile and idiotic, the command of "fire!" Left her mouth and three rounds were blasted into the monster's maw. One blew off the edge of an incisor. Another disappeared into her gullet. The third hit one of Charybdis's retaining bands and shot back at the ship, snapping the Ares flag off its pole.

"Again!" Clarisse shouted, and Sierra was now less focussed on stopping the attack and more so on the changing of the engine's hum. She scanned the deck quickly and found one large cyclops missing from the group.

"So he does have some gifts," she stated in a little awe. The ship began to successfully pull away from the mouth. 

"Tyson did it!" Annabeth said sounding both impressed and shocked.

"Wait!" Clarisse ordered, "we need to stay close!"

"We'll die!" Percy said. "We have to move away." The broken off fabric of the Ares flag flew into the large mouth and then she snapped it shut. The sea died to calm for a moment and Sierra met Percy's eyes across the deck.

Sierra muttered an, "Oh sh-" and the monster's mouth snapped open, and a wave of water that would have impressed Poseidon himself blasted outwards, carrying with it everything inedible Charybdis had consumed, including the two cannon balls, one of which slammed into the ship with a sound like an old fashioned school bell.

The wave of water at least forty feet high sent them flying backward. Percy grabbed Andy's hand, possibly in an attempt to concentrate their sea godly powers and keep them from capsizing. Sierra knelt to the deck using her hands to keep herself steady as the ship spun out of control.

A burning sailor burst onto decks, almost knocking both himself and Clarisse overboard before she steadied them both and demanded a report. "The engine is about to blow," he said.

"Where's Tyson?" Percy demanded, which Sierra wanted to comment, was not the most important thing right then.

"Still down their, holding it together somehow, though I don't know for how long," he aimed the question at Percy and Sierra wondered if he was somehow also loyal to the son of the sea god as he was a sailor.

"We have to abandon ship," the captain concluded.

"No!" Clarisse yelled, looking to Sierra for support. She found none.

"We have no choice, m'lady," the captain reasoned, "the hull is already cracking apart, she can't" before he could finish his sentence, something reptilian, with green and brown scales flashed down from the mountain and snapped him up. His leather boots were all that was left, one falling over from the sudden loss of its supporting foot.

"Scylla!" One of the ship hands shouted, and like lighting he was gone too. Sierra, Percy, and Andy all drew their magic swords from no where. Percy slashing randomly in hopes of catching a head off guard, Sierra waited.

"Everyone get below!" Percy yelled over the panicking crew of dead confederates.

"We can't!" Clarisse drew her own sword. "Below deck is in flames." It was true, Sierra could feel the growing heat in her stomach, like a part of her was connected to the fire and sensed its slow approach.

"Lifeboats!" Annabeth said, bronze knife in hand, she looked every bit the daughter of a goddess of battle strategy. The wind was whipping her hair about her face wildly, but she looked deadly calm as she ordered, "quick!"

"They'll never get clear of the cliffs," Clarisse said, "we'll all be eaten," ever the ray of sunshine.

"We have to try. Percy, the thermos." Annabeth held out her hand for the thermos, Sierra had no clue why a lunch box item would be helpful in the face of impending death by multi headed snake lady.

"I can't leave Tyson!" Sierra silently cursed Percy's 'protect everyone even if it kills me' nature.

"We have to get the boats ready!" Annabeth argued.

Clarisse took Annabeth's command. She and a few of her undead sailors uncovered one of the two emergency rowboats while Scylla's heads rained from the sky like a meteor shower with teeth, picking off Confederate sailors one after another. Sierra waited to assist, if Percy was going to try anything stupid she was fully prepared to drag him onto a boat kicking and screaming.

"Get the other boat," he threw Annabeth a red and yellow decorated plastic thermos. "I'll get Tyson."

"You can't!" she argued, "the heat will kill you!" Percy didn't listen, and began charging for the deck. Sierra felt it like a pull in her stomach, like a flash grenade going off behind her eyes and she dove at him just as he was lifted upwards.

She gripping his waist as they shot into the sky, sword in hand and she looked up at the reptilian eyes watching her. They seemed to say, 'two for one? Nice!' Right before Sierra sliced it off. Percy grabbed her waist tightly and her sword toppled from her grip. She couldn't quite glare at him in the violent wind but she tried anyways.

The ship exploded below them as they fell, and Sierra felt her grip on him tighten as she realized they were about to hit the water at a billion miles an hour, and she was not the son of a sea god. She'd be knocked unconscious and she could not, in fact, breathe underwater.

"Tyson!" Percy screamed over the wind, they flipped over one another as they fell, and Sierra had just enough time to think:

Dying to save someone I'm supposed to hate, please let Clarisse leave this out of her eulogy.

Before they both slammed into the ocean. He happened to be above her in the rotation when they landed, and she blacked out instantly with one final thought of absolute hatred towards the ocean, and its son.

𝕹𝖔𝖇𝖎𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖞 𝕭𝖑𝖊𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖓𝖌 ( percy Jackson )¹Where stories live. Discover now