chapter xxvi

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SIERRA WASN'T TOO KEEN ON BEING CELEBRATED. She never really had like to be applauded, but after the, incident, the event that had driven her into this whole mess in the first place, she'd abhorred the very idea of being so much as congratulated. 

Clarisse took the brunt of the applause, and she seemed to relish in the attention for her good deed. Sierra let her, happy to melt into the background along with their five illegal companions. Sierra was less inclined to stay around people following the quest. She was one of the few Ares kids that had gained a special talent with war wounds from their father. It was less a blessing of Ares and more that she'd simply spent three years on her own patching up her own broken bones but no one needed to know the details.

Lee put her to work as soon as she got back. Well, he checked her over for wounds first, scolding her harshly when he noted she was favoring her right leg and forced ambrosia down her throat after she explained the injury to her left. After that though, he was content to let her aid with some of the burns and breaks incurred over her days gone from various attacks. The campers didn't really like it, but they did seem to appreciate that she didn't sing, hum, or glow while she worked like some of the Apollo kids. She remained silent following an explanation of what she'd be doing to help each of them.

Beyond that she volunteered to join the 24/7 watch service over Thalia's tree while Chiron continued his search for a protector. She also spent an odd amount of time avoiding Percy considering she was supposed to be protecting him and his sister. She figured inside camp bounds was off limits though. If he couldn't survive Hermes' cabin pranks on his own, he didn't really deserve to survive in her opinion. Plus, if he could survive the Ares cabin mid combat, he could take any monster Kronos threw at him.

Still, taking up protection shifts meant it was fairly easy for Andy Jackson to find her. For some reason, the girl got it in her mind that Sierra being her bodyguard meant they were now friends. Sierra didn't bother to argue. Andy would join her on patrol, standing beside her and chattering incessantly for hours. It didn't seem to bother her Sierra never replied, she held up the conversation all on her own, and honestly, Sierra kind of enjoyed it. She'd never admit that of course, but it did make the hours of standing and watching a tree a little less boring.

"So I told my Mom, it wasn't my fault Percy punched him and broke his nose. He was the one who said I was illiterate, you know. But still, Mom persisted 'his nose is broken Andy' she said, 'why did you start crying when he asked about your dyslexia Andy,' 'he was only seven Andy.' It was all stupid, I was six at the time and Percy was seven you know." Sierra had never pegged Percy as an inherently violent person, but it seemed like all bets were off when it came to his sister. The guy had punched a seven year old, hard enough to break his nose for gods sake. Despite how the movies and books made it sound, that wasn't easy, it required not just force but intent.

𝕹𝖔𝖇𝖎𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖞 𝕭𝖑𝖊𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖓𝖌 ( percy Jackson )¹Where stories live. Discover now