chapter xiii

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THEORETICALLY, SIERRA'S FIRST MOVE SHOULD'VE BEEN EITHER A DEFENSIVE OR OFFENSIVE MOVE SINCE THE LION'S EYES HAD FOCUSSED DEAD ON HER. She guessed the red hair was a blaring 'look at me.' That or that her eyes were on fire, it was anyone's guess which was more enticing really.

Percy pulled out his sword and made a face Sierra very easily recognized as his 'I'm about to do something stupid and reckless' face before he charged the damn lion.

Riptide slammed into the prominently arched column of the lion's spine in what should have been a fatal blow but instead glanced off like it was solid metal.

Arrows from the hunters shattered on impact and the lion lunged at the daughter of Ares.

She rolled left just in time and heard the horrible crunch of the beast slamming into the overview railing.

"Run," she growled at Percy. He opened his mouth to argue, met her burning eyes, and thought better of it, sprinting up the overview walkway.

Grover yanked out his pipes and began to play a screeching tune that made even Sierra wince but took the lion's attention off her.

She rolled to her feet and had to bite back a scream at a flare of pain in her side. She risked a glance away from the threat to look down at her side and found her orange t-shirt was now an alarmingly deep shade of red and that far too much of the fabric was soaked with it for it to be healthy.

Great. Just great.

"Sierra!" Percy's alarmed scream brought her eyes back up just in time to see the lion bearing down on her, mouth open and fangs glistening white under the fluroescents.


She threw her sword out in front her in an attempt to ward off the animal but the lion didn't even hesitate. It bowled straight through the extended weapon, not even flinching as it scraped off the fur with a terrible shrieking sound. The impact bent her arm at a horrible angle and she was forced to let go of her sword or break her arm.

The lion knocked her flat and kept coming after her. Disarmed, she used the only option she had left and grabbed the lions neck with her hands. It's teeth snapped together an inch shy of her nose and she turned her face away as it continued to snap at her.

The lions paw caught her side and the pain was so blinding she screamed, her vision whiting out for a moment from the intensity of it and only the need to survive kept her hands locked around the lions throat.

"Hey!" She heard the shout, but didn't have time to see the source before something slammed hard into the beast and it went rolling away from her tangled with a distinctly orange shape.

She groaned, in too much pain to care what was happening around her as she rolled away from the lion and curled up around her side. She grit her teeth hard as she pressed her bloody shirt to the wound to try and stem the flow of blood. She could feel it leaking out around her fingers but it was the best she could manage at the moment.

The world was blury around her but she could make out voices shouting back and forth around the occasional growl or hiss of the monster. 

The sudden presence of pressure on her arm had her instincts flaring and she kicked out widly at the threat. She didn't make any contact and another set of what she realized were hands rolled her over onto her back.

"Hey, Si- ok?" She blinked hard, trying to get her vision to reunite the three seperate Percy Jacksons staring down at her.

"Blood-" someone commented, which seemed rather obvioud to Sierra. The Percys eyes strayed away from her to her stomach, widening at the rather large pool of blood Sierra was laying in and the odd way it glittered under the lights, looking strangely golden.

"Some-. Carry-," Percy's eyes focussed somewhere else as he nodded. 

It occurred to Sierra as she watched his mouth move in response that she was only getting bits and pieces of the sentences being said around her. Probably not a good sign.

Someone else's fingers pushed in around her own, putting more pressure than she could on the wound in her stomach. She groaned in pain but was more than a little thankful for the gesture as she much preferred the pain to dying.

Percy held up a cube of ambrosia in front of her eyes, and she nodded, allowing him to feed it to her. She had about two seconds to process the sawdust on her tongue before the world went black.


for all of you wondering why the ambrosia

 isn't really working here like it does in the 

books, it's because in this story children of

 Ares are less susceptible to healing magic in 

general and much more likely to have wounds 

scar over because of the whole battle scars 

thing. also because I wanted the drama.

𝕹𝖔𝖇𝖎𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖞 𝕭𝖑𝖊𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖓𝖌 ( percy Jackson )¹Where stories live. Discover now