chapter xviii

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SIERRA FIGURED SOMETHING HAD TO HAVE GONE EXTRAORDINARILY WRONG IN HER LIFE FOR THIS TO MAKE SENSE. She was riding into the cave of a cyclops on the underbelly of a giant sheep, to save a half goat half teenage boy from getting eaten along with her half sister who she was related to by the god of war, at a wedding feast for the sister of the boy riding the stomach of the sheep beside her. Her world was so many different flavors of fucked up and confusing.

They'd tried just about everything to move the bolder, but it just hadn't worked, so Annabeth, in a feat of Athena brilliance had come up with this plan. Sierra barely noticed when they finally got into the cave, her sheep among the group the cyclops apparently didn't bother greeting personally. There was a moment where she thought Percy might get caught but he hadn't, and the cyclops had begun to walk out of the cave. Sierra was beginning to worry they were going to get closed in and die a slow death of asphyxiation when "hello ugly!" Was shouted by a voice that was quickly becoming familiar. Annabeth Chase.

"Who said that?" The cyclops demanded of the empty air behind him.

"Nobody!" Annabeth yelled, the name gaining the desired reaction as Polyphemus' face reddened with rage and his giant fists clenched.

"Nobody!" Polyphemus yelled back, "I remember you!"

"You're too stupid to remember anybody," Annabeth taunted. "Much less Nobody." It worked, Polyphemus' rage got the better of him and he picked up the nearest rock, which just so happened to be his front door and threw it. Sierra tensed, praying Annabeth had moved in time, and the silence that followed was terrifying.

"You haven't learned to throw any better either!" Annabeth shouted.

"Come here! Let me kill you, Nobody!" The cyclops screamed back.

"You can't kill Nobody, you stupid oaf," she taunted. "Come find me!" Polyphemus ran off, following the shouted trail of insults Annabeth was shouting. 

"Thank you Odysseus," Sierra said, as she and Percy dropped off their sheep and ran into the tunnels of the cyclops' lair. The place was a maze, and it didn't help that Sierra had a well founded, not exactly fear, but general discomfort with being underground.

They'd only been wandering a few minutes when Percy whisper asked "what happened at siren island?" His sword was drawn, the celestial bronze helping to light up the cave in the darker parts. Sierra had a moment where she realized that a week ago, she would have been violently uncomfortable with someone other than her having a sword drawn while she didn't, but dismissed it. It wasn't like they were enemies, for the time, they were allies.

"Don't know what you mean," Sierra lied, continuing to creep along the cave and pretend to be not creeped out by the weirdly large array of sheep paraphernalia. Seriously, this guy took loving his sheep to a new level that bordered on obsessive.

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