chapter xvi

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SIERRA COULD HONESTLY SAY SHE HADN'T FELT SORRY FOR SOMEONE SINCE SHE WAS SEVEN YEARS OLD. Not even herself. It wasn't because she didn't recognize the emotion of guilt, Hades knew she knew a lot about guilt. But she just never found it a worthy use of time to feel bad for people, or herself. Still, Sierra felt bad for Annabeth Chase after one look at the daughter of Athena's face when she and Percy got back on deck.

For one thing, Sierra could see it in her eyes that the sirens weren't the only ones she'd scared with her freaky new power. But more than that, Annabeth was blaming herself for the whole situation on the island when in reality, it was Percy and Sierra's fault for not disarming her.

"I didn't realize," she murmured, when they reached her.

Percy frowned, "what?"

"How powerful the temptation would be," she admitted, her eyes lingering on Sierra's exposed arms where small remnants of her nails scratching her skin were still an angry red. Sierra didn't want to admit she'd seen what Annabeth had, the whole image had been vastly disturbing, but she wanted Annabeth to know the whole of what happened at the island. Partly so she'd stop looking at Sierra like a grenade someone had halfway pulled the pin from and she was unsure whether or not it would explode. And partly because she didn't like keeping other peoples secrets, she had enough of her own.

"I saw the way you rebuilt Manhattan," Sierra spoke up, "Luke and your parents, it was a nice fantasy." Honestly Sierra wished she could come up with anything that cheerful.

"You saw that?" She asked, and Sierra nodded, Annabeth gave Percy a short synopsis of her vision on the island, knowing from only his confused face he needed some context.

"What Luke told you back on the Princess Andromeda, about starting the world from scratch, that really got to you, huh?" Percy asked, and Annabeth nodded, while Sierra wondered why Luke would name his boat after a hyperactive teenage girl who drove both of them nuts in the two sword fighting practices they'd had with her. Luke had to physically hold her back during one of them because the girl just would not shut up.

"My fatal flaw. That's what the Sirens showed me, my fatal flaw is hubris." Annabeth admitted, and Sierra winced, she'd kind of hoped she'd saved Annabeth from learning that small fact. Learning her own had brought her nothing but pain.

"That brown stuff they spread on veggie sandwiches?" Sierra's look was enough for him to realize that no, that was not the correct term.

Annabeth just rolled her eyes. "No, Seaweed Brain. That's hummus. Hubris is worse."

"What could be worse than hummus?" Percy wondered aloud.

"Your face," Sierra muttered, and Percy looked genuinely hurt, Sierra wasn't sure why, but she had a feeling she'd done it wrong.

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