chapter xxiv

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THE THING ABOUT ANDROMEDA JACKSON IS THAT WHEN SHE GOT ANGRY, SHE CRIED. It wasn't exactly a voluntary reaction, and before Andy had started home schooling it had caused her a fair amount of torment in school. She'd never really known why or understood it, but no matter what it was over, every time Andy got angry, the tears just formed and spilled over and before she knew it she was cursing people out between hiccuped sobs.

It was an especially irritating reaction when her current source of anger was the potential murder of her brother. Percy had always been her constant in life. Sure she had their mother and ( unlike Percy ) Andy often made friends at the different schools she'd ended up in all through elementary school before she'd been switched to home schooling for fourth grade. But Percy was the stereotype over protective big brother and Andy had always settled into the role of little sister comfortably. Andy got teased, Percy punched somebody. Andy started crying, Percy held her until she calmed down.

He was always there. Even when Andy got angry at him and would scream at him because he did something stupid, Percy would just take it. Not because he liked her being angry, but because they both knew that the two of them would recover from it easily.

So watching a blade come down in an arc towards her brother, knowing his sword wouldn't move fast enough, she didn't just feel angry. It was the sort of uncontrolled rage that the sea held. Slamming ships against a shore, tearing apart families in wild storms. Ripping buildings from their foundations in a hurricane so powerful Katrina would be jealous.

Andy had never really been all that great with the water realm of their father's control. The waves just never obeyed her, and while the sea had always felt safe, it was more the reminder of Percy that gave her that comfort, not the power it gave her. The part of their father's domain that Andy would always excel in, was earthquakes. The kind of earth shattering rumbles that broke apart tectonic plates and had mountains falling to ruin. It would be an easy assumption that an earthquake, really wouldn't be helpful on a boat in a harbor. And common sense would dictate that Andy should have tried for the waves even knowing it was futile.

Instead, the entirety of the Miami coast shuddered in one wave of power. Everyone stopped moving, the boat began to gently tip from left to right, and Percy shuddered, the only one who knew what was coming. Then the real shaking started. People screamed as the earth spiked apart in trenches down to the foundation of the planet, and then the water responded.

It wasn't that Andy was controlling the waves, no, it was that the ground shook so violently that her father probably heard her in his own domain and the sea wouldn't be held back. Water crashed against itself, sent back and forth as the entire state of Florida shuddered in reply and then, the real pandemonium. 

The thing about earthquakes is that while the original devastation of the tremors are indeed awful and can cause mass casualties. The real danger usually comes from the after affects of an earthquake. When tectonic plates shift, causing earthquakes in the ocean, it causes a large difference in the water level that can often cause large waves on the surface. Better known as tsunamis, the walls of water form and move across the surface of the ocean, moving in a deadly wall of water towards the nearest coastline. Most of these waves reach to about 10 feet or 3 meters, the highest one ever reached 100 feet, or thirty meters. For reference, that height coupled with the power of it would be enough to pull the Empire State building out of the ground. That wave formed naturally and without the aid of a royally pissed off and protective daughter of Poseidon.

Luke Castellan didn't expect this, Annabeth Chase didn't know what was happening, Tyson was just plain confused, Grover was flat out terrified, Sierra Machisse was staring at Andy in a mix of horror and confusion, and Percy Jackson knew exactly what was happening. Most of them hit the deck, Percy dove for his sister.

"Andy, calm down," she was flat out sobbing now, thick waves of her own forming and falling down her face in a cascade of grief she couldn't see through to realize that no, her brother was not in fact dead. "Andy! I'm here, I'm fine, look at me," Percy shook her, wiping her eyes with his thumb even as his hair wiped around his face with the chaos surrounding them. Andy blinked up at him, eyes focussing finally on his face, his own eyes terrified. They would survive, the water would make them stronger and he could easily pull them away from the shore, but their friends wouldn't be.

He crushed her to his chest in a tight hug. This always calmed her down, always had as a child when her temper had exploded out of control. It took her a second, but finally her own arms wound around him and they held tight to one another as Andy's heart beat and breaths slowly calmed, and with them the shaking. The ground stilled, the water flattened out without the encouragement of her anger, and everyone on deck slowly stood up.

For a split second, silence reined as everyone realized that sweet little Andy Jackson, the always irritatingly chipper girl with an inability to ever shut up, had just nearly killed them. It took about three seconds for Luke to go from relieved to be alive to murderous. He leveled his blade at the Poseidon kids.

"Kill them," and the monsters charged forwards.


ok, so this might have been a little

 confusing so I just want to make it a

 little clearer for everyone. Percy is so 

overprotective of Andy because he 

knows if she gets too angry people 

will get hurt and she'll never forgive 

herself and if that isn't such a Percy 

Jackson move I don't know what is.

{a/n 2}

on a more somber note, most of you have probably heard about the recent murder of George Floyd and the resulting protests. I'm absolutely stunned and horrified that we as a country are still struggling with this. Black lives matter shouldn't have to be a movement, it should be a given fact and that it isn't is such an unbelievable demonstration of human stupidity to me.

I don't want to offend anyone but seriously, standing by and doing nothing in the face of this is allowing it to happen. reminder that there is a pandemic so while it is good to protest, please don't do so in a way that is violent or puts yourself or others in danger. Either from covid-19 or the burning car my aunt drove past yesterday. I love all of you, please stay safe and sign this petition: to help get justice. don't let this stand.

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