chapter xx

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YOU'D THINK THAT BEING FULLY AWARE THE CYCLOPS WASN'T DEAD WOULD'VE MEANT CLARISSE AND SIERRA WERE READY. Simply put, they weren't. In fairness, Clarisse was kind of freaking out about how weird Sierra was acting, and Sierra was engaged in a moderately interesting conversation with Grover and Annabeth about the morality of tree houses. Grover argued that it was unfair to the tree, Annabeth was of the mind that when built correctly it was honoring the tree. Sierra was regretting offering to carry the daughter of Athena.

And then the roaring. Grover and she spun around, Annabeth tightening her grip on Sierra's neck to a point of almost pain at the sharp movement. All of them locked eyes on the cyclops, roaring, a boulder gripped in both hands and Sierra's eyes flashed dangerously.

"Clarisse," her sister nodded, slipping Annabeth off Sierra's back and onto her own before plunging into the surf with Grover. "Andy, can you use your Poseidon stuff to get them there." Andy didn't look entirely sure she could but she charged in after them, intent on trying.

"We hold him off?" Percy asked, and Sierra nodded. Percy pulled his pen from his pocket and Sierra's hand was instantly filled with the weight of a spear. She figured it would probably be more useful against a taller enemy as a longer weapon. Percy studied the entirely bronze weapon, shaft and point, with appreciation.

"You, young Cyclops!" Polyphemus roared at Tyson. "Traitor to your kind!"

"Oh lovely," Sierra muttered, the taller cyclops marched forward, fury webbed in his eyes along with the cataracts as he charged towards them.

"Don't listen to him!" Percy pleaded, "go, we'll hold him off," Percy tried to shove him, but Tyson's own singular eye was focussed on Polyphemus. Sierra was very suddenly hit with the fact that these three were all siblings. Gods this whole greek myth DNA thing was weird.

"I am not a traitor," Tyson declared, balling his huge hands into fists.

"You serve mortals!" Polyphemus shouted, "thieving humans!" Flames burst to life in Sierra's eyes. There were a lot of insults she could take. She'd been called too many things having grown up the way she had. Her mother had called her the worst thing to ever happen to her once, and Sierra had barely flinched. But human? That was about the worst insult anyone could hurl at her. She'd dealt with humans, seen them at their lowest, been damn near killed by many of them, they were disloyal, spiteful, and cruel, and Sierra was not a human. She was a demigod

Polyphemus threw his first boulder. Tyson swatted it aside with his fist like he was hitting a home run. "Not a traitor," Tyson said. "And you are not my kind."

"Death or victory!" Polyphemus charged, and Sierra damn near charged him as well, but then he fell flat on his face into the water and he didn't seem all that threatening anymore.

"Percy, Sierra!" Clarisse yelled, "come on!" Andy was clearly trying to push them to the boat via Poseidon water magic, instead she was making the water ripple like she was skipping stones while she cursed very, very loudly in a mix of Ancient Greek, English, and for some reason something that sounded like Latin. They were almost the ship regardless though, and they just needed to keep the cyclops attention a little longer.

"Go," Tyson told them, "I will hold Big Ugly."

"No! He'll kill you," the desperation in Percy's voice made Sierra more than a little nervous. If all he was fighting for was keeping Tyson safe, he was going to get himself killed. "We'll fight him together."

"Together," Tyson agreed, and then both of them turned to Sierra, still angry, now literally smoking from the heat of her anger. Perhaps they were hoping for an agreement they were all going to charge together, holding hands and defeat the cyclops with the power of friendship. They didn't get it.

"No," was all she said, and both of them seemed keen to leave it there. The two Poseidon boys charged, full frontal and with no strategic edge to their actions. Sierra wanted to hit Percy for the sheer idiocy of the action but he seemed to actually be doing alright. Polyphemus was throwing boulders, taunting them, but they seemed to be holding their own, so she focussed on making a plan.

There wasn't much in the way of resources nearby, the cliff face; she was not scaling that again. A few trees, and a lot of water and sand. Her eyes refocussed on the tree, and a slow smile started to creep onto her face, one that had made opponents run in fear more than once. The spear disappeared from her hand, reshaping into her necklace again as she ran for the nearest tree. 

Whatever kind it was, the wood was slick and smooth, the only footholds the several little branches that stretched out from the trunk in several different places. Thankfully, it was shaped in a way that made the central part of it horizontal before curving upwards back towards the sky to parallel the base. She ran along the flat section, before tugging herself up through the branches to try and reach the top.

She kept her eyes on the three sons of Poseidon, trying to catch Percy's eye so he'd get her plan. When he finally did look over, he initially gave her a look that said she was an idiot rather than a realization of strategy. Until he met her eyes, and a spark went off in his skull. He began backing up, leading Polyphemus towards her and Sierra kept climbing.

"Tyson!" The scream snapped her attention to Percy, Tyson had been thrown so hard he carved a trench in the dirt, but Percy's yelling dragged Polyphemus' attention to him. Sierra had just enough time to think 'uh oh' before Percy slashed at the monster in anger and the cyclops swung his branch club, the spindly thin web of branches on it swung towards Percy's spine, and Percy's back was slashed open in a thousand mini cuts.

"Hey! Ugly!" Sierra shouted, and the cyclops turned to where she was waving her arms, now at the very top of the tree and level with his shoulders.

"You," Polyphemus growled, "smell funny, like war," Sierra grinned cruelly, not that he could see it as he stepped forward, then she launched herself at him.

"Yah Sierra!" Andy screamed from the ship, doing a happy dance as the cyclops clawed at his shoulders, trying to grab Sierra, but missing her. He threw a boulder towards the sea, where Andy was shouting but missed it by several feet, distracted by the child of Ares crawling all over his shoulders and face.

"Yah, screw you cyclops! Don't mess with my sister!" Clarisse joined in, and Percy groaned from where he was downed on the sand.

"Stop talking," Sierra realized why a second later as two more boulders flew in quick succession. The first slammed hard into the waves, sending a giant wave cascading over the deck. The second landed where the water had and the ship began to sink.

"Oh gods," Sierra groaned, pulling herself up, using his hair as hand holds to yank herself up on top of his head. She summoned her spear, and stared straight down into his big eye, she smirked, and sunk the weapon deep, the added length allowing the weapon to enter through his eye, using the pupil as a bullseye, before it popped out the opposite side of his skull.

Polyphemus gave one final groan of defeat, before he turned to glittering gold dust under her, and Sierra free fell towards the sand below.


I don't ever post on weekends so I am 

posting this at literally 12:12 a.m. on 

Monday because I wanted to update

 so badly and was waiting all weekend.

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