Chapter 4

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Chapter 4



"I need someone around Sim.. er me" He said averting my stunned gaze. The way he is fidgeting and the change in his demeanour suggests only one thing, that he is either lying, or he is uncomfortable.

"What do you mean?" I ask curiously looking at him over my cup of tea. "There are people that are trying to harm me and any family for a number of reasons, one of the reasons is pretty obvious as you can guess." he smiles and looks around the room. "I mean come on" He smirks. "Anyway, I need that extra protection" he continues.

"Why would you trust me, being around you" I ask. "I don't, but I want to and something about you tells me I should" He says putting his cup down. "Put it this way" He continues. "You stay around me and once the new fully equipped gym is complete its your" He says. "Mine?" I ask confused. "Yea, we will be partners and then eventually you can buy me out." He replies. He is serious almost truthful.

"Think about it let me know by Friday" He says. Today is Wednesday I have a few days, maybe I can get a job elsewhere I think to myself. But I get my own gym.

"Sure, I'll let you know." I say standing up. He extended his hand and I shake it. Umer gives me positive vibes, he can't be that bad if Mamo trusts Sophia around him.

I walk out the door, thinking about the day that I have just had. "Mani Bhai" I head Sophia call from behind. I turn to see her coming down the stairs, 'princess' Laylah behind her. "Soph I'm going home, you want me to drop you off?" I ask. "Erm excuse me" I hear her address me for the first time. She has a polite voice, she sounds timid, but I sense a hint of desperation. "Me?" I ask looking at her.

"Thank you for your help. I really appreciate it." She says playing with her long slender fingers. She looks up at me and wants to say something before turning around and running back up the stairs. "Erm, you're welcome I guess?" I say looking a little stunned at Sophia. "I'm coming with" she says walking behind me.

"Is she bi-polar or something" I ask my mind wondering back to that girl I'm so curious about. "Who, Laylah?" Sophia asks putting her phone into her lap and looking out onto the road. "No, but I told you she been through a lot, so much pain, my heart breaks when I think a back to it" She says and lets out a big sign. "Emotional baggage?" I ask. "Emotional, physical mental, you name it, the poor girl has been through it all." She says looking at me with a sad expression.

"So how come I don't know about this friend of yours" I stop at the red lights. "Well, I met her at college four years ago, you were always busy with 'other stuff' (she uses her fingers to quote other stuff), you'd hardly come over only unless Dad would drag you by force on Eid etc. and after that you went to the Marines." She continued. "Did you not see her on Adil Bhai's wedding?" she looks at me.

Trust me if I would have seen her, I would have remembered that face, I smile to myself. "Er no, me and Ahsan were too busy with the wedding preps and it was segregated. Plus, I wasn't there for the walima remember." I remind her.

After dropping Sophia off I grab some food and get into my flat. Shit! What a day it has been? I think to myself taking out some Pepsi from the fridge and turning to get a plate. Fish and chips, the most British thing to eat. I love eating but can I cook? Nope. I'm always living on take out or Sophia's mum drops some food off for me, which lasts me a few days. But my mind is focused on one thing, one person should I say a girl. Laylah. What is it that is special about her, why am I so intrigued by her?

Sure, I've seen hotter and sexier girls than her. I chuckle that's what Sophia meant when she said I was 'busy with other stuff', she had meant girls and the lads. What! I was young, I did say I wasn't a perfect Muslim, but my interest in her seems something else. Maybe I'm nosey and want to know what her story is. Denying the fact that I find her beautiful and supress my attraction for her.

I jump in bed after showering, brushing my teeth and changing, suddenly the flat seems smaller to me, constricting. Maybe I have been to one of the biggest houses I will ever step foot in again and it feels like that. I think back to Umer's offer. Do I want to get involved in whatever he is offering? I'm sure the pay will be good, and he has promised to let me handle the gym once it is complete. But maybe I can get a simpler job, just to pay the bills. Save up a little and maybe rent my own gym out again? As if that will happen.

I wake up early on Friday. After my workout at home I have my protein shake which is almost finished. I shower and change into a white salwar kameez. I have been looking for a job, nothing of interest has come up and I don't see myself working in a chip shop etc and saving money to put a deposit down for my own gym. Shall I take on Umer's offer? How do I get into contact with him I think to myself as I park my car and walk towards the masjid. As I said I never miss a Jummah Prayer unless its vital. I see a few of the lads and shake hands with them. "Yo, Manny" I hear the voice of my best friend Yusuf. "Sala laikum bro" I shake his hand and he pull me into a shoulder hug. "Walekumsalam where have you been?" He asks. "I went to the gym yesterday, but it was closed. Everything okay?" He asks me, folding his arms concerned.

I tell him everything what happened that day from start to finish. "Umer has asked you that?" He says looking at me. "He is one of the best guys I have met, I work in one of his companies after he found out what happened with my dad" Yusuf continues. "You mean he owns the Audi Showroom!" I ask surprised. Wait, why am I surprised Umer is filthy rich. "Yusuf" Someone calls from behind. Both of us turn around and see Umer walking towards us wearing a black Salwar Kameez. Maybe this is a sign from Allah to accept Umer's deal. But I need to clear a few things with him first.


Chapter 4 Pictures


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Osman Khalid Butt as HAIDER RAZA ZAMAN


Sabeena Farooq as SOPHIA SARMAD

Shehryar Munawar as UMER ALI MANSHA

Blue Tesla as MACGYVER

Red Volkswagen as BASANTI



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