Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


Okay, I have to say she cooks really nicely. No wonder she wants to do a cookery course. "So, because I cooked, you'll wash up?" She said winking, which sounded like a command rather than a question. "Sure, anything for you Princess" I said collecting the plates. "Anything? Careful there ACE, sounds like you are trying to flirt with me" She said giving me a mischievous look. "Maybe I am?" I respond back, looking over my shoulder towards her. "You don't want to go down that road" She mumbled before heading towards the living room.

Right so I didn't anticipate so many dirty dishes. "Seriously dude, you're washing dishes just because she winked at you" I mumbled to myself. Maybe she has changed her mind about not wanting me around anymore. Maybe, just maybe she has started to like me. "What like you have started to like her" I told myself. Do I like her, nah that's not possible I tell myself, or am I trying to persuade myself?

I take more than an hour to wash up before Ali Baba comes and helps me put the dishes away. "Where is Laylah?" I ask him. "She told me to let you know she is outside in the garden and will see you there" He informed me. "Thank you" I said walking out towards the garden.

To say this was a garden was an understatement. It was huge, acres and acres of freshly mown grass, lined with trees, flowers, hedges and flower baskets. Benches scattered around, some garden furniture and a pool or a lake, I can't be sure. Lots of beautiful things created by Allah, but no Laylah in sight. I keep walking around she has to be here somewhere. "Laylah" I call out her name. Maybe she has returned inside. I look around but I can't find her. I spot Arfan and ask him about her he says she hasn't returned into the house. I start panicking. "Try calling her" He says walking towards me.

"Hello, Laylah where are you?" I ask her urgently. She tells me she has left for Sophia's house. Anger boils inside of me. "Why didn't you tell me, you've left unguarded Laylah" I shout out and she cuts me off. "Shit" I curse out and run towards my car. This girl will be the end of me.

I pull up outside my uncle's house and ring Sophia. I hadn't told my uncle about my new job and didn't want to just spring it on him like this. "Hey Soph, you okay, can you please send Laylah outside, I'm waiting for her" I say quickly. "Laylah? She isn't here" Sophia replies. "Stop messing me about Soph, I'll come in there and drag her out myself" I say angrily. "Okay, firstly calm down, secondly she isn't here honestly and thirdly, you can't do that to her" She says as a matter of factly.

I call her again. "Where are you, don't be a smarty pants with me and tell me the truth" I ask. "If you really want to know I'm in the Library" she responded. "Stay there I'm coming to get you and don't leave without me, don't talk to anyone, don't even look at anyone and try not to get into any trouble. Stay inside I will come in to get you." I add on quickly before cutting the phone off. Arggh this girl!

I pull up outside the library and walk inside. I've never been inside here before. Will they ask me to sign up? Do I need a special registration? Do I pay? "Can I help you" I look up to see an elderly woman looking at me holding two books. "Erm, I'm here to pick someone." I show her Laylah's picture. "Laylah, what a lovely girl. She comes here often." She says smiling back at me. "Right, can you direct me towards her" I ask. "Oh, but she hasn't come in today." She replies back looking at me. "Are you sure, I am mean can you have a look around please?" I ask her. My gut is telling me she isn't here. The old lady returns and informs me she isn't here.

"Shit" I say banging my fists on the stirring wheel. "Sorry Basanti, I didn't mean to take my anger out on you, but she is driving me crazy" I say putting the car into gear and drive towards the place I know is going to be at.

I walk inside and my eyes fall on her sitting on the sofa reading a book without a care in the world. "Damn it Laylah, you sent me on a wild goose chase and here you are without a care in the world. Do you realise how worried I was" I say raising my voice. I didn't realise when I had gripped her by her upper arms and yanked her off the sofa, so our bodies inches apart. "I don't know what you are you are talking about" She says and tries to free her arms. "Tell me the truth Laylah, or so God help me.. "or what, what will you do" She shouts snatching her arms out of my hands. "Do you realise how worried I was, how worried Arfan was, he called me look, 13 times" I shout shoving my phone in her face.

"What's going on!" We turn around to face the tiny person with a huge booming voice. "Soph, make her see reason. I'm hungry and I need some air" I say to a shocked Sophia and walk out of Laylah's room towards the kitchen.

Ali Baba kindly made me some chicken club sandwiches and a big cup of coffee. "Someone is either really hungry or really stressed out." I put my cup down and face Umer. "What's up" He smacks me little on the back and sits besides me, picking up one sandwich and biting it.

I tell him about the day I've had, and he bursts out laughing. "Its not funny" I say putting my hands up. "It is, firstly she took you to Victoria's secret and then she sent you on a wild goose chase. Laylah, you savage" Umer says. "Look, she didn't go to "The library", she was in the library, she has a library on the top floor, and she was probably there. Now come to think of it, her car was parked outside before I left after her.

"Okay, before you say anything, you cut me off before I could explain to you that I was IN THE HOUSE" Laylah says, entering the kitchen and taking out some orange juice. She looks at me and gives me a cheeky smile. She knows what she did, she knew I was going to go to Sophia's and then to the library. She did this on purpose.

"I'm going to go change and freshen up, Laylah, I'll speak to you later, oh and I want Shepard's pie for dinner and yes, you will cook." Her brother looks at her seriously. "That's unfair" She says back to him raising her hands. "Thats foe the stunts you pulled today" he shouts back playfully, walking away.

After staring at me for a good few minutes she opens her mouth. "I thought you said it was going to be interesting and what was that word you used, oh yes, competitive" She smiles back at me, throwing my words back at me. She was right, I wanted it to be fun, what I didn't bargain on what Laylah being a pro at it. "Trust me, you will lose, I have lots of experience, before I start college, you'll start a new job" She says and winks at me before leaving the kitchen.

Aman, you are so dumb, I think so myself.


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HAHAHAH! Oh my days Laylah!

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