Chapter 43

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Chapter 43


Its been two days. Two days since I've gained back my freedom. Two days since I last saw Amaan. Bhai refuses to tell me anything. I haven't gotten a phone just yet. "Laylah, where are you going?" My brother asks me from behind. I look at a nervous Arfan, he obviously told him I was headed out.

"I'm going into town to buy a new phone and a few other things." I say turning around and facing my brother. "I thought we could have lunch together." He smiles at me. "I've been having lunch and dinner with you for the past two days and it's been great, but I'd like to go out for a little while." I say a little annoyed at him, taking out my sunglasses from my shoulder bag.

"Can I just talk to you for a moment, then you can leave, with Salar" He adds on. "I don't need a new bodyguard. I have one. Only if you told me where he was." I add on scurrying into the living room. Bhai had bought in a new bodyguard for me, but I didn't want one. I wanted Amaan. The way my brother has been avoiding the issue gives me the impression he has something to do with it.

"Amaan isn't coming back." He sighs. "What? Why?" I ask quickly. "I relieved him from his duties and the contract. He is no longer your bodyguard or my employee." He replies, avoiding eye contact with me. "Why? He is the only one I trust. I feel comfortable around. I want him back." I say quickly. "He isn't trustworthy, Zaviyar told me everything."

"He told you what?" I wanted to know what Zaviyar had told him. I have a feeling something isn't right. Until I don't speak to Amaan, I will not believe a word anyone says. "He said, Amaan wasn't trustworthy he wanted to take advantage of you etc. Its fair to say he won't anymore, because he wont be around you." My brother says avoiding the details.

"He is lying. I trust Amaan with my life. He came for me. He almost died." I cry out. "What do you mean Laylah. He wasn't there!" My brother says loudly looking at me weirdly.

"Salam alaikum, what's going on?" I turn to see Sophia walking towards me swiftly. "Are you okay?" she says concerned. "I don't know. I want to talk to Amaan." I say wiping my tears. "Erm, actually he isn't well." Sophia says hesitantly.

What did she mean he wasn't well? What had happened. "What do you mean?" I ask, my voice resembling a whisper. "What do you mean Pumba, tell me everything?" I hear my brother ask Sophia. I sit down on the couch not knowing what news she will break.

"He was shot by Mirza in the shoulder. The bullet fractured his collar bone. Alhumdulilah, the damage wasn't extensive, but he is still in the hospital." Oh my god. This all happened because of me. He is hurt because of my stupid past. "Don't worry, the doctor said he is out of danger." Sophia says squeezing my hand.

"Why wasn't I told? When my team got to the location he wasn't there? Yusuf told me Amaan wasn't with them. He lied to me if I had known I'd have gone to see him." Umer says letting out a sign.

"Is everything okay?" I look up to see Zaviyar stand in front of me. I wanted to go and see Amaan, then I'd deal with him later. "Will you take me to see him?" I ask my brother. "Simbaaa, you need to rest, and so does he. I'll take you once I know the situation a little bit better." Umer says standing up.

"Amaan is in the hospital. He was shot by Mirza." My brother tells Zaviyar, who didn't seem to be phased by the news. "Can you find out now please? I will rest all day and I'll do as you say. Will you then take me to see him in the evening?" I plead with my brother. Knowing that I will not let it go he caves in. I pull Sophia by the hand and run up the stairs.

"Tell me everything. Is Amaan really okay? Is he badly hurt? Is he in pain?" I ask question after question quickly as I get into my bedroom. "I told you, he is fine. Yes, he is hurt, and he is in pain, but the wound will heal quickly. I went to see him before coming here." She looks at me and smiles. "My brother removed him as my bodyguard. Do you know why?" I ask. I wanted to know what had happened after I had left for Dubai. Amaan didn't mention anything the last time I spoke to him on the phone. "Really? I didn't know that. I'll ask Yusuf if he knows, but I doubt he will tell me if Umer bhai has asked him not to." She replies back.

"I'm going to get some snacks. Then we'll order some brownies for Amaan. I'd bake some for him, but I don't want my brother catching me working and then refusing to take me to see him." I say happily and walk out of the room.

"No. No you don't understand. I kept my end of the bargain! I want my money." My feet stop as I heard those words from Zaviyar's room. Who was he talking to? What bargain? "I delivered her to you both times. It's not my fault that stupid bodyguard of hers was always around. Its not my fault he killed Mirza. I kept my bargain and I want my money. You have access to his accounts transfer it over." It was as if someone has knocked the wind out of my lungs. Zaviyar was the on that was telling Mirza everything. He was the spy. "You wouldn't dare. Hello! Hello! Fuck" I hear him clearly as I approach his room. I trusted him completely. How could he do this to me?

"How much money was Mirza going to give you?" I ask, not wanting to know. "Layli, what are you saying? What do you mean?" He stumbles to get his words out. "I heard most of your conversation Zaviyar. I know what you were doing and all about your bargain and deal." I say loudly. "No shhh, you misheard. Please don't shout." He whispers. "I didn't mean to harm you. Mirza promised he wouldn't harm you. He said he loved you and would marry you." He says coming closer to me. "STOP! Don't come any closer!" I shout loudly.

"What's going on?" Sophia says running towards us. "It was him. He led Mirza's men to me." I say and turn towards Sophia, who hugs me tightly. "I didn't want him to be, but Amaan was right about you." She says looking at Zaviyar.

Sophia updates Umer on what Zaviyar has been doing. I am so mad right now. This is the reason I have trust issues. How can someone so close to you do something like this. "Umer please understand, the business isn't doing well. I have no money left. My Mum and your Dad wanted me to marry Laylah so that I could get back onto my feet, but Laylah rejected me, I had no other choice. So, I contacted Mirza's men." He tries to justify himself. "You contacting Mirza's men? Laylah in exchange for a few bucks. How could you?!" Umer roared angrily. "You should have asked me! I would have given you happily. Instead you put my sister's life in danger." He lunges forward and punches Zaviyar square in the face. The police are called and they take Zaviyar away which calms my anger calms down a little.

As the evening progresses, I get more and more excited every minute. I feel butterflies in my stomach. I put on a plain white kurta, remembering the times Amaan told me he loved seeing me in a Kurta. I brush out my hair and check my face in the mirror. Would he be happy to see me? Did he miss me, because I missed him like crazy! The crazy boy put his life on the line for me. As much as I love him even more for that I would never want that to ever happen again.

"Ready?" I hear my brother say as I walk into the living room. "Yes, let's go." I say happily. "What's that?" he asks pointing at the basket in my hand. "Brownies." I say and smile at my brother. "Okay, red riding hood, lets go meet the wolf." My brother chuckles and leads the way to the car.

As I sit in the backseat, my brother comes in next to me. "Oh, you must be the new bodyguard" I say to the man sitting in the drivers seat. "Yes, my name is Salar." He smiles looking at me. "Hmm. Don't get too comfortable, I have a bodyguard and he will be back in a few days." I say and look at my brother who laughs and taps my head lightly. I can't wait to see Amaan. 



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Guys Amaan is fine!!! (Obviously, I couldn't have been that cruel to kill him off)

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