Chapter 24

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Chapter 24


I sit down in the hallway leaning across the wall, her bedroom door slightly ajar. After what happened that night, I couldn't trust myself in her bedroom, so sitting here outside her bedroom where we can see each other has been helping her sleep.

"So what's your story ACE" She asks, sitting on her bed Indian style, wearing some cute pink pyjamas, supporting a fluffy sleep mask on her head. "I'll tell you only if you tell me what ACE stands for" I ask. "Hmmm, why don't you try and guess, lets see what theories you have or can come up with" she jokes. "So, each letter stands for a word right" I look up at her. She nods in agreement. "How about, Amazing, caring individual" I ask unsure. She giggles, "Individual starts with an I not an E, kuch hor?" "Okay, how about Authentic, charismatic and Epic" I say with a grin on my face. "mmmmm nowhere near close" She says and flashes me a smile.

"I give up. For now. Erm, my story. Well, my life was amazing until I was 8. My mum was amazing, she would make these amazing parathay for me. Her English wasn't great because she was from Pakistan, but I'd always help her with it and she loved to learn. One day mum went grocery shopping and, on the way, back, she got caught up in a shootout. I didn't know about it until the next day. I had come back from school and fallen asleep, woke up to a world where my mum wasn't in it" She looked at me with a lop-sided smile.

"After that my dad married his girlfriend, apparently her knew her from work and they were involved for over two years. Dad didn't even wait a month; guess he didn't want to feel lonely or maybe he couldn't wait." I let out a sigh. Why was I telling her this? I hadn't told anyone; Yusuf knew because he knew my family since we were 2 years old and not because I had directly told him.

"My Dad has three more children; Haider is the oldest and then his twin sisters. Haider's mum didn't really like me, I don't know why, you'd probably know better because I think it's a woman thing. Soon after he had gotten married, my dad had stopped paying attention to me. Most days I'd end up at uncles house because I was either hungry or I wasn't welcomed home." I continue. I should be sad telling her this but it's like it doesn't affect me anymore.

"Mamu had paid for my university tuition and since after turnning 18, basically lived on my own, Mamu had asked me to move in but I couldn't accept. My dad calls me whenever he needs me for stuff, and Haider, well he is my brother, the only person I count as family. I did Sports and Fitness at uni and then joined the marines after graduation, got back a few years ago and opened a gym". I look up at the girl who has been listening attentively. "Now, I'm babysitting" I joke. "Heyy, I'm not a baby" She whines. Yes, you are. You are my baby.

"What is Laylah Ali Mansha's story" I ask. "Shit" I let out regretting what I asked. "Sorry, you don't need to answer that question, I jus...." "Relax, I hate it when people treat me like glass, as if mentioning something from my past will break me" She says and dangles her legs off the bed.

"I was two when my mum died. I don't remember much about her, but my brother does, Bhai was 10. He's always been so mature and wise for his age. Dad hasn't been around much, unless he comes round in the holidays, we kind of get along without him. " Growing up I was just a normal girl I guess. No actually I lie, I wasn't a normal girl. I had more money than I could count. I still don't know how much I have" She looks at me and giggle. £33billion, that's how much you have, I remember reading it in her file.

"I'd buy stuff just for the sake of it, or because other girls wanted it, just to let them know that I could get whatever I wanted. I was always pampered and loved. I didn't know anyone who hated me, everyone was friendly, I almost thought they were my friends" She lets out a sigh.

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