Chapter 35

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Chapter 35


"Honestly, I've tried, and I will keep trying, ever since what he tried on her birthday, I've been so worried b ut I could hardly get anything. Whatever he plans on doing he has kept it well hidden" Sophia says sitting down opposite me next to Yusuf.

"How about if you speak to Umer, do you think he'd listen?" Yusuf suggests. "I'd doubt it will help, I mean we could try but nothing will change until her Dad leaves, until then" Sophia raises her hands signalling defeat.

I cant just sit here and do nothing whilst that idiot is around her, planning God knows what. I'm so annoyed at Laylah, "Why does she have this need to please her father anyway, shouldn't she be angry at him for leaving her." I mumble under my breath.

"She thinks its because of her that her father stays away and if she pleases him and keeps him happy then they'll become a family again. Umer thinks..... No, I've said to much" Sophia says folding her arms.

"Come on, batao na," I pressure her. "Umer thinks, he has remarried and may have a family out there, but he isnt sure and even if it was he diesnt want Laylah to know." She says unhappily. "Makes sense, for him to be away for so long, he almost has no contact with the UK" Yusuf says.

I wasn't worried about her Dad as much as I was worried about Zaviyar using the relationship between her father and her as a means to get what he wants; I wouldn't put it past the asshole.

The next day I get ready and head on towards Mansha palace. "Oh look, if it isn't the street rat" I hear Zaviyar's annoying voice. "What do you want dipshit" I say looking at him annoyed. "Want, you don't have anything to give me. Princess Jasmine will be mine soon and you'll go back being whatever is was you did before this." Zaviyar says mockingly. "You know what's ironic? It's the street rat that gets the Princess in the end. And Jafar" I say point at him. "Gets a deadly end, trapped in his own schemes, atleast he had a parrot for company, you won't even have that" I say.

"Zavi, is that Amaan you're talking to" I hear Laylah coming towards us. "Come on we are getting late", she says and rushes towards the car. I glare at the exasperating bastard in front of me. I want to skin him alive. Argh

"Wait, we have to take my car, I almost forgot" Laylah says jumping out of Basanti. "She can have a rest" Laylah says and smiles. "Did you manage to complete your assignment" She asks "Yes, I told you last night, I uploaded it onto Moodle" I remind her. "I don't believe you, show me you phone She says holding out her hand. "Its in my jacket pocket, you're going to have to wait until..." She slides her hand into my jacket pocket, fiddling around, her hands touching my abs and legs, even though I'm wearing clothes, I feel.her hands on me. She catches me off guard and I almost swerve into the road. "Shit, Laylah, don't do that." I say correcting my road position. "Do what? She asks her eyes flicking from my phone to my face, unaware of the effect she has on me. "I'm only checking because last time you said you had uploaded it and you hadn't, they deducted 10% of your marks and you barely passed." She scrolls through my phone, unfazed by how her physical contact has me forgetting the world. Once she is happy that I had in reality uploaded my assignment she locks my phone and places it in her lap.

"Ready to go home?" I ask her as uni is over. "Nope, there is a park over there and I'd like to have a picnic" She says pointing in the direction behind me. "A picnic? But I haven't bought anything."

"I know, but I have, I'm sorry for about our date the other day, I'm trying to make it up to you." She says looking at me and scrunching her nose. "Really, that's nice of you princess" I say as I get out of the car. I watch her open the boot and take out a picnic basket. "Lets go" She says and hold her hand out for me to hold. I take her small hand in my manly huge hand and squeeze it slightly as we walk in the direction of the park.

Laylah lays the picnic out and asks me to take my shoes off "You'll be more comfortable". "Laylah, have you noticed anything different about Zaviyar" I ask her. "Erm, different. I don't know if its because of his breakup but he I feel like he craves companionship. He feels lonely" She says as she swallows her food.

"What makes you think that?" I ask her. "The whole proposal and...." She says and stops. "And?" I ask, trying to get her to finishes her sentence. She lets out a sigh. "He just, he is around me more, he tries to touch me, he thinks I cant tell but he tries to flirt with me, I'm trying to ignore it because he will go back to USA and I don't want things to get ugly." She says calmly. Maybe she wasn't unaware of his intentions. "I just think you need to be careful around him."

"Funny you should say that, Sophia said the same thing too" She chuckles. "What's your dream ACE" She asks looking at me, changing the subject.

"Will you tell me what ACE means?" I ask hopeful. "Nope, not yet, you see if I tell you, I won't be able to call you that any longer" She smirks. "Haww, it is something dirty, naughty naughty Laylah" I say wiggling my eyebrows teasing her. "Nooo, it isn't" She says embarrassed. I laugh at her; her cheeks change colour and she hids her face in her hands. My laughter gets even louder. "Amaaannn" She moans out. Uff, don't say my name like that, it makes me imagine things, that are haraam.

"Acha okay, erm. I dream to have a Gym brand, all across the country." I look at her and smile. "Nobody would be able to tell you love the gym by the amount you eat. You're always hungry. Its a wonder you're not fat." She chuckles. "Fat? I'm pure muscle baby, want to feel?" I tease her and she lets out a laugh.

As we reach home, I think back to the time we just shared; Laylah holding my hand, laughing, and joking, it was perfect. "Listen, I need to tell you something. Its more of a request. "You know the police want you to send in a witness statement and testify against......" "NO!" She cuts me off. "Laylah just think about it" I try and reason with her. "No, I won't, its not easy" She says. "I know it's not, but it's the only way we can get rid of him for good. Do you want to constantly"? But she isn't having any of it. "No Amaan, please, actually you know what, it's almost half term in two days, I think you should take annual leave and I'll see you after the holidays in the new year. I dont wanted you here until then." She says quickly. What!

"No, listen to me Laylah" I shout out after her as she gets out of the car. "No, you listen to me Amaan, I don't have to do this, if you don't want to 'guard me' anymore then that's fine, but I will not do as you are saying. Dad and Zaviyar also agree with me. Look, I'll see you after half term. Take care." She says and walks off. "Laylah!" I shout after her. This girl will be the death if me. "Shit" I kick my tyres in frustration. Why did she not understand it was best for her? What the hell did that bastard fill her ears with! "Somebody is angry. Have they been told to leave? Oh dear! I didnt I street rat, she has told you to leave." He says ridiculing me. "What the fuck did you say to her?" I charge up to him, my hand turn into fists. "Me? I didn't say anything, I merely suggested it to her dad." He says and walks off.



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