Chapter 30

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Chapter 30


"Hey ACE, you want some dessert?" I turn to see Laylah walk into the kitchen and pick up the TV remote turning it off. "Hey, I watching that, just getting to the good stuff." I say, looking at her and pout. "The good stuff?" She asks walking towards me. "Yea, kissing, snogging, all that good stuff." I say winking at her and walk towards her. "Stop saying stuff like that" She says, a blush creeping up her cheeks. "Why is it making you uncomfortable?" My eyes still trained on her, feet taking steps towards her as her back hits the wall behind, looking at her, I give her a cheeky grin. Placing my right hand just above her head on the wall I look down towards her. I slowly pick up my left hand and place my thumb on her lips "Its not like I said I want to kiss and snog you now, did I?" I ask her, looking from her eyes to her lips. With my thumb I gently pull her bottom lip downwards. How I wish I could take it into my mouth and taste the sweetness.

I clear my throat trying to stay sane, "You asked me if I wanted dessert?" I ask her, my voice almost a whisper, I remove my hand from the wall and place it just below her chest.She stiffens on contact. My hand burning as if I touched a blazing hot coal. Her heart thumping in her rib cage, thinking back to Zaviyar's words, and how she reacts to me, she is definitely mine, and I'll be damned if I let him take her from me.

I pick up her small hand and place it on my chest, affirming to her that I feel exactly the same. Our heartbeats in sync with one another, dancing together. She looks at me with an innocent expression and takes a large gulp. I slowly move my head down, placing my cheek against hers, blowing some air towards her ear. "How about some cookie dough?" I say and quickly move away from her.

My eyes, assessing my handywork on her. Her cheeks flushed, eyes anywhere but on me, as if she is shy or doesnt know what I might do if she does look st me, and her body slightly trembling, what a sight, my eyes roam over her, if only she was mine, I'd have shown her exactly the dessert I had in mind.

As if on cue, Zaviyar enters the kitchen and looks from Laylah to me. "What's going on?" He asks suspiciously. "Nothing, I was just telling Laylah what kind of dessert I like." I say my eyes fixed on hers. She smiles and looks away, understanding the double meaning in my words. Miss Mansha, not so innocent now, are you?

"Amaan, can you stay overnight, I want to cook you breakfast, thank you properly for today." Laylah says without looking at me. "Whatever you say princess." I say picking up an apple and turning the TV back on.

I normally wake up a little later on a Saturday, but the queen of hearts is going to cook me breakfast. I quickly get out of bed and head towards the shower. Turning on the water my thoughts travel back to yesterday's events. What am I doing? This perfect girl, she is amazing, will I be able to call her mine? Or am I leading her on, because what if Umer doesn't want us being together.

I need to tell her, I'm sure if she feels the same he wont have an objection. Her Birthday is next weekend, I'm going to tell her how I feel and if she doesn't feel the same way then.... Then I cant force her. We fall in love with people but that doesn't mean they have to too. I raise my hands and look at them. The way her heart was beating for me tells me a different story though. Her heart belongs to me and mine to her. I know it, I just do. She is the answer to my prayers, Allah wouldnt have allowed us to get this close to each other if she wasnt.

I pull on a white t-shirt and black jeans and quickly style my hair. I want to make an effort for her. She is cooking for me it's the least I can do. I look up into the mirror "I look sexy" I mumble to myself and walk towards the kitchen. As I open the door, I see Laylah's head turn towards me. "No, no. No, go and sit in the dinning room." She rushes towards me, a rolling pin in one hand. I smile at the sight. But I have a different sight I want to see Laylah in; pregnant and barefooted in my kitchen. Whoa, hold up there cowboy, I think to myself. "Jao bhi" She says putting her hands on her hips. "Going" I say holding my hands up in surrender. I try and look over her to see what she is cooking but she stops me "Amaaan, please nahi karo na." I chuckle and turn around towards the dinning room.

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