Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


I feel really uncomfortable right now. I swear some girls have been looking at me weirdly some have given me this creepy smile like I'm a pervert.

"I didn't realise you could get this many variations of underwear" I mumble under my breath. We've been here for about 40 minutes and I'm trying to keep my distance from Laylah. But I can't let her wonder off on her own. Would Mirza's men come inside a Victoria's secret after her? I doubt it.

"Amaan?" I hear Laylah's voice. Please tell me we are leaving; this is embarrassing as it is. "All done?" I ask walking up to her. "Oh no, I haven't even looked around properly yet." She looks at me with that smile, the one she gave me when she handed me the cup of chilli tea. She is having too much fun torturing me. "I think we should head out, don't think its wise to spend too long in one place" I lie. "You're not getting uncomfortable are you?" she says walking away into a different section. "No" I say louder "I'm not uncomfortable." Anybody could tell I was clearly uncomfortable. I was wearing a thin t-shirt, but I could feel myself burning up.

It wasn't because of the place but it was all the sexy lingerie around the shop, the amount of times my mind wondered, I kept thinking how Laylah would look in them. I couldn't shake her from my mind. I tried to remind myself it was haram and that she was off-limits. More so that she was off-limits rather than haram. Its not like I'd hadn't seen girls in underwear, or even without but I couldn't think about Laylah like that. She was so pure and innocent and me thinking about her in sexy lingerie was making it hard for me and I was already attracted to her as it was.

"Come here I need an opinion." She says smiling at me. What! Shit, I don't think I'm ready to help her choose underwear. "Don't worry, its only perfume" She says holding up a bottle. "I wouldn't make you choose my underwear, yet ACE!" She laughs. Princess, I'm already hard and you are making this even harder for me, and why does she keep calling me ACE? What does it mean? "Do you think this smells nice, she spritzed some perfume on her wrist and moves it towards my nose. I inhale the smell, its fruity and sweet. I open my eyes to look at her wrists, the scars lightly outlined. I look at her and shake my head. "No, I don't think its for you" I say looking at her.

Laylah had a smell of her own. A woody, musky smell mixed with vanilla. I think she should pick something closer to her own natural smell.

"Oh my God, you two are so cute" I turn to find the source of the voice, two girls around the same age as Laylah. "Sorry?" I ask them confused. "My boyfriend would never come girl-stuff shopping with me, girl you're so lucky" one of them says looking at Laylah. I'm about to tell her that I'm not Laylah's boyfriend instead Laylah cuts me off, she slips her hand around my fore arm "Thank you" She says smiling at the two girls.

"Actually, can you take a picture of us" Laylah says handing her phone to the other girl. "I don't think..." I try to protest. "Hush, Baby. Now smile" She says facing the camera. I don't think I would have smiled but her calling me 'baby' has me smiling like I've won the lottery. "Aww that's a nice picture" the girl beams handing Laylah her phone. "Isn't that Laylah Mansha? When did she start dating?" One of the girls says turning around. "He is hot, poor her though" the other one replies.

I look back at Laylah. The once smiling girl had now a look of sadness on her face. "So, which one have you chosen?" I ask looking at the purfume bottles, trying to diffuse the tension". She looks at me. I can see the Laylah I saw the first time I laid eyes on. The vulnerable, sad, and confused Laylah. "No, I think we should go home" She says and walks towards the exit. The drive home was really quiet compared to when we were driving towards the shop. She kept turning the radio stations to irritate me. I smiled remembering her antics. She took me to Victoria's secret for goodness sake.

"Ali Baba" Laylah says loudly as we enter the house. "Jee Beta, Shall I prepare you something to eat?" He comes out with a tasbeeh in his hand. "No Baba, I'll cook, has Bhai phoned? Has he eaten? Did he want me to send something for him?" "Master Mansha called and said he has eaten" He replies. "Jee thank you" Laylah says and heads towards the kitchen.

"What should we cook?" She asks in a monotonous voice, looking around the kitchen. She is asking me. "I can't cook" I say, scratching the back of my neck. She laughs at me. "Sophie told me you live on your own, how do you manage?" She asks. "I'll teach you some easy things, lets start with a cheesy vegetable omelette, what do you think?" She says picking up an onion and placing it on a cutting board. "Sure" I reply nodding.

She shows me how to prepare the vegetables and asks me to beat 4 eggs in a bowl. That should be easy right? Wrong, apparently, I can't even crack eggs. Once the omelettes are cooking, she puts some chips into an air fryer.

"Did you want anything else or will this be enough, be honest." She says looking at me. "No this will be enough" I lie, helping her take out some plates. "You're lying, there is some pasta salad and some tandoori chicken in the fridge, I'll warm it up" She says and moves towards the fridge. I smile at her. No girl has ever cooked for me. A lot of first timers with Laylah.

Once everything is plated up, we are about to eat when her phone rings. "I need to take this; I'll be two minutes. Don't start with out me. Hello Zaviyar, how are you?" She asks the person on the phone.

Who is Zaviyar? I ask myself. I remember back to her file, there was a mention of him in there too. Maybe I can ask Sophie later. I could hear her laugh as she said her goodbye to him. I didn't like that. Something restricting inside my chest. "Amaan dude are you feeling jealous?" I asked myself and shook my head. Why would I be jealous, I've only known her for a few days. She doesnt date, it was in her file, I remind myself. "Ready" she says and sits on the chair picking up her napkin. I start eating but my eyes fixed on her.

Amaan this girl is bad news for you don't get attached to her, I think looking down at my food and stuffing it into my mouth.


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Is poor Amaan getting jealous?

He is getting so flustered with Laylah!

What do you think let me know in the comments, and please vote. I see you, those of you who read and dont comment, I see you. Do show me some love.

Next Update: 12:00 midnight UK Time. I will be uploading chapter 11 and 12.

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