Chapter 41

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Chapter 41


I honestly couldn't wait for this piece of shit to walk into the room and actually kick his ass. The door opens and a tall well-built middle-aged man walks in. His hair is brown with flecks of silver which is elegantly styled, and he is wearing some expensive suit. His aged face tells a tale of a once handsome man. I feel Laylah clutch the back of my shirt for dear life. Don't worry Baby I wont allow him to touch you. I look back at her and give her an encouraging smile. "So, this is the bodyguard." I hear him say. I look towards him and realise he has two other men with him. Both of them equipped with guns.

"It's a little stupid of you coming here all alone." He adds on looking at me and opening the buttons on his jacket. "Sir he isn't alone, there are four others, we are trying to locate them but are having difficulty" one of then says looking at Mirza with uncertain eyes. "Trying to locate them? Find them and kills the dogs!" Mirza screams furiously. The guy takes out a walkie talkie and moves out the room. Two more men enter and stand beside Mirza.

"You know bodyguard, I know everything about you. Your family, your cute little brother or stepbrother should I say. You have a little family too don't you. Once I'm done with you, I'm going to pay them a visit." He says tilts his head to the side and looks towards Laylah, I shift slightly trying to shield her from him. "Come here honey." Mirza says to Laylah and motions his finger. "No, don't. Laylah." I say pulling her arm towards me as I see her move her feet.

As I'm trying to pull Laylah towards me one of Mirza's men come and kick me in the stomach and I instantly let go of her hand. I stumble on my knees and cough out blood. Mirza took her hand in his and pulled her towards him. "No, don't touch her!" I coughed out. He raised his gun and placed it between my eyes. "No, please don't Mirza, please don't harm him, I beg you. For me. Let him go" I hear Laylah plead to him. I wasn't leaving without her.

"Amaan, thank you for looking after her for me, but you are no longer needed. I'm back, I don't need you" Mirza says pushing the gun into my forehead. "No please, don't. I'll do anything you want. Just don't hurt him" Laylah cries. "Anything?" Mirza asks looking at Laylah. He moves his hand towards her face and places it on her cheek. "I've missed you honey". Anger cursed through my veins, "Get away from her, motherfucker!" I say getting up onto my feet, until I am suddenly knocked back down by one of his men.

Both of them place their guns near my head. "Anything, well, I guess it's time to get married. I'll call someone and we will have our Nikah done today. Amaan here will be one of our witnesses." Mirza looks over at me and smirks. Oh, hell no, over my dead body. I pick up my gun but one of his men kicks it out of my hands.

"I missed you honey." He says and pulls her into his arms. "I missed you too." I hear Laylah say back and it's as if someone has stabbed my heart. I know she is saying it to keep me safe, but it still hurt. I get up and lunge towards one of the men and grab his gun. "Don't touch her, get your fucking dirty hands off her!" shout and shoot the other guy twice as quickly as I could manage.

Mirza pushes Laylah away and pulls a gun out from behind his waist, the other guy grabs my gun from the floor and points it towards me. "How beautiful is she" He says pointing the gun towards Laylah and my heartbeat stops. He walks towards her and places a kiss on her cheek, the bastard is trying to provoke me. "Okay, enough, we need to get rid of the bodyguard and I need to make preparations for my wedding" Mirza says and points his gun towards me.

As he takes the gun's safety off the door is pushed open and in barge my backup. Ollie and Yusuf point their guns towards Mirza and Jassi and Sam point their guns towards the other guy. "Took you guys long enough" I say and rush towards Laylah. As I turn to take hold of her, I hear gunshots and turn to see more of Mirza's men enter the room. I shield Laylah and she clutches the back of my shirt like her life depended on it. Gunshots were going off, but I wanted Mirza, I looked around but couldn't find him. Had he left the room. After a few minutes of fighting and gunshots I look around to see my friends standing there without a scratch on them. "Mirza's done a runner. Keep your eyes open for him"Jassi says. "Yusuf and Ollie, take Laylah home, the rest of us will hunt Mirza down. He couldn't have gone far" I say looking at Martin, Sam and Jassi.

"I'm not going anywhere without you" Laylah snakes both her arms around my waist and clutches onto me even tightly. "Laylah, its still dangerous" I try and reason with her, trying to pry her hands off me. "I don't care, I go where you go" She says as tears roll down her cheeks. Realising that she wont listen, I give in. "Okay, okay, shh its okay." I say wiping her tears and hug her tightly. I don't want to leave without Mirza, so we decide to perimeter the building to find him.

"Guys be alert, he might still have people with him" I assure Ollie and Jassi as they turn right. We scour a few rooms but no sign of Mirza. After a few more minutes of wondering the building we move outside carefully. As we move towards the exit, I hear some gunshots go off. Shit! I cover Laylah and shield her with my body. "Go, get to the van and leave, we're good here. Join you in a bit." I hear Martin shout towards us and push me towards the van. I run towards the van, crushing Laylah's hand into my own and dragging her with me. As we reach the van, I push her in front of me and I am about to reach for the door handle when the door is suddenly pushed open, smacking Laylah into the wall behind. She hits her head onto the bricked wall and falls down.

"Shit, Laylah" I say as I see blood dripping down her facd. I am about to move towards her when I hear "Hey lover boy." I turn and point my gun towards Mirza. We both shoot at the same time. I'm not sure what happens after that as my eyes close and all I see is black. 



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Oh Damn! Is Amaan going to be okay? I hope Laylah is fine.

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